*** Log file opened: 3/29/2003 9:20:59 PM
[21:20] Fuujin [~zainx99@Bacchus-Medusa112.alfred.edu] has joined #funsim
[21:20] irc.hax.nu sets mode: +nt
[21:24] Kinetia [~ashleyann@] has joined #funsim
[21:24] Wanda [~RogueX@user-24-214-56-22.knology.net] has joined #funsim
[21:24] Tabax [Tabax@ACA3BC4D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #funsim
[21:24] <Fuujin> *neenerneener*
[21:24] Tabax is now known as Reynard
[21:24] You are now known as Erik
[21:24] <Erik> Phenomenal cosmic power! I control the ops!
[21:24] <Wanda> Pfffft! ;p
[21:24] Styxie [Styxie@as01-oro-fl-1-76.rasserver.net] has joined #funsim
[21:24] <Kinetia> <YoungKurt> ::..biiig sad eyes::
[21:24] <Erik> *resumes disco grooving with shiny pants!*
[21:24] Styxie is now known as Emma
[21:24] <Wanda> Daddy's little girl power, I control your fortune and feelings! ::puffs out her lip::
[21:24] Emma is now known as Emma`
[21:25] <Erik> D'oh!
[21:25] Kinetia is now known as Kurt
[21:25] Alex [~CdrMikeAS@ip68-109-4-58.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #funsim
[21:25] Erik sets mode: +oooo Emma` Kurt Reynard Wanda
[21:25] Erik sets mode: -o Erik
[21:25] <Erik> ...the hell?
[21:25] <Reynard> LOL!
[21:25] <Erik> O_O HEX POWER AT WORK!!!
[21:25] Erik hides
[21:25] <Kurt> rofl
[21:25] Saturos [amizuno@celestial.majic.org] has joined #funsim
[21:25] <Wanda> Mwahahaha..::smiles sweetly::
[21:25] Kurt sets mode: +o Alex
[21:25] Kurt sets mode: +o Erik
[21:25] Kurt sets mode: +o Saturos
[21:25] Emma` is now known as Emma
[21:26] <Reynard> Note to all that care: I will be leaving at 11 EST to go get my sister from the mall, but weep not for I shal return after said errand is done
[21:26] <Alex> On it's way.
[21:26] <Erik> That was freaky. I've never in my life seen the 'toggle ops' option appear in the list before. And I can't make it come back.
[21:26] <Erik> *peeeers at Wanda suspiciously*
[21:27] <Wanda> ::shrugs her shoulders:: I have no idea what you're talking about, Father.
[21:27] Saturos is now known as Catseye
[21:27] <Reynard> Father shoudl only be capitalised if it's at the beginning of a sentence or you're talking about God the Father
[21:28] Kurt labels Tab the Spelling Nazi
[21:28] <Reynard> ^^
[21:28] <Reynard> Seig heil!
[21:28] <Wanda> Maybe I respect my *F*ather in that sense. ::gives Rey a dubious eye::
[21:28] <Kurt> It's not a thing to be proud of! o.o
[21:28] <Reynard> Can't spell in other languages...
[21:28] Iceman [~red34@adsl-157-145-182.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #funsim
[21:28] <Erik> *twitches at the shout and looks around paranoidly*
[21:28] Erik sets mode: +o Iceman
[21:29] <Reynard> You think your father is God? Wow...
[21:30] <Erik> What kind of setting you guys up for today?
[21:30] <Emma> <ooc> Do we know that Erik's been in the camps?
[21:30] <Wanda> ::shrugs her shoulders again:: He's given new purpose to my life. Taught me much of what he knows, and how to control my own powers.
[21:30] <Emma> I dunno, but I want a cat fight with Mysti.
[21:30] <Erik> Probably not... it's not something he would bring up in casual conversation
[21:31] <Wanda> ::shrugs:: Anything, this'll be my first! ^^
[21:32] <Erik> ***@@***
[21:32] <Catseye> did someone say cat?
[21:32] <Catseye> @@
[21:32] <Wanda> @@
[21:32] <Emma> @@
[21:33] <Reynard> @@
[21:33] <Kurt> @@
[21:33] <Alex> @@
[21:34] <Erik> Ice, gonna sim today?
[21:34] <Iceman> can't have to fold my laundry
[21:35] <Erik> ¬_¬
[21:35] <Reynard> ...that's going to take a couple hours?
[21:35] <Iceman> and other menial chores :(
[21:35] <Emma> Waaaah!
[21:35] <Reynard> Ah
[21:35] <Iceman> well maybe, i'll check back in 15 min
[21:35] <Kurt> ;.;
[21:35] <Emma> Do I have to annoy the Headmaster again? @_@
[21:35] <Erik> Come back :P Need to see Mysti interacting with the students and stuff!
[21:35] <Iceman> I do have stuff to do though, like meridian house keeping
[21:35] <Catseye> fold the laungry? -_-
[21:35] <Wanda> ::eyedarts, looking desperately for Pietro::
[21:37] <Iceman> <<bbiab then>>
[21:38] <Erik> ***Setting***
[21:40] <Catseye> <<we all have a room of our own?>>
[21:40] <Erik> <<Actually I may double you up just for kicks, but for now I don't have it planned out, so say separate rooms..>>
[21:41] <Wanda> ::She sits outside, in a wicker-like chair, in one of her simple sundresses. Her hair flows around her shoulders, curled as usual, and her blue eyes remain fixated on the horizon. Her lips stay firmly locked, somewhat curious of the constantly changing landscape of Wundagore::
[21:41] <Catseye> ::lays curls up on the pillow of her bed, sleeping::
[21:42] <Erik> ::in his office, as usual, poring over a set of schematics for some unknown piece of machinery, with a faint frown::
[21:43] <Reynard> ::exits his room and wanders towards the kitchen::partially groggy mumble:: Breakfast...
[21:43] <Emma> ::Glances over Forbes while listing to the radio in the living room, flipping the magazine pages telepathicly. Or trying to at the least.::
[21:44] <Kurt> <<What sort of exercise equipment is there? ^^;>>
[21:45] <Wanda> ::Her hands move over to her shoulders, as she warms them with the friction of her hands. Although somewhat cool, the young lady makes no move to pick up the outstretched sweater resting on the chair beside her:: ((I wonder, if I had known the man Father reveres so, if it would have affected my own life as much as his. When he speaks of the "Dream", he sounds so passionate. Though it is my own, I wish I could echo his ferocity when-
[21:45] <Wanda> he speaks of it. I wonder if it disappoints him..))
[21:45] <Erik> <<Just make up stuff for now Kin heh heh>>
[21:45] <Kurt> <<Gotcha!>>
[21:46] Logan [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has joined #funsim
[21:46] Erik sets mode: +o Logan
[21:46] <Alex> :::In the middle of the floor of the living room, sitting in the lotus position, eyes closed and completely silent:::
[21:46] Iceman is now known as Mystique
[21:46] <Kurt> ::in a workout room somewhere in the school, standing on his hands on a balancing beam::
[21:48] <Wanda> ::She sits up from the chair, and wraps her sweater around her upper body. With a soft sigh, she carefully walks towards the landscape, her eyes scanning about as she goes.:: ((At least the new students, so far, have taken a grasp to the concept. I'm rather perplexed over why Father expects Pietro and I to eventually lead them. His leadership is so strong already..))
[21:49] <Reynard> ::enters the kitchen and looks around for a bowl and some cereal::
[21:49] <Emma> ::Turns a page and sighs.:: ((If I could only afford stocks.)) ::She pointedly ingores Alex.::
[21:49] <Erik> ::tiny pieces of metal seem to coalesce mid-air into a three-dimensional rotating model of whatever Erik studies so carefully on the page... he stares at it critically for a moment before letting the motes fall::
[21:50] <Erik> <Bova> ::smiles at Reynard, although it's hard to tell with the non-human shape of her mouth:: Good morning... Are you hungry? ::hopeful look::
[21:51] <Alex> :::Without opening his eyes, towards Emma::: You're unusually quiet this morning. Anything the matter?
[21:52] <Kurt> ::with a look of concentration, he takes a few 'steps' backwards, then flips forwards to land on his feet on the beam::
[21:52] <Wanda> ::Her brow furrows a bit, in thought, and she continues her walk around:: ((Hmm..Where is he, this morning?))
[21:52] <Reynard> ::looks over at Bova:: Nani? ::remembers where he is and switches to English:: Err... yeah actually, would like some breakfast, please...
[21:52] <Mystique> <<we have a cow among the faculty?>>
[21:52] <Erik> <<Bova isn't faculty... she just cooks and mothers everyone who will let her>>
[21:53] <Wanda> <<Don't touch my Bova! >< >>
[21:53] <Emma> ::Telepathicly turns the page.:: Nothing has been worth my attention today, and that's some what of a good thing.
[21:53] <Mystique> <<hehe lots of steak, hamburger, McD jokes in the future>>
[21:53] <Emma> <<So says the miltiant gun ethusiast who shape shifts. -_-;>>
[21:54] Xerx [Xerx@0-1pool4-193.nas5.vienna1.va.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #funsim
[21:54] <Mystique> <<Raven> ::eats Bova::>>
[21:54] Xerx [Xerx@0-1pool4-193.nas5.vienna1.va.us.da.qwest.net] has left #funsim
[21:54] <Catseye> <<wtf>>
[21:54] <Wanda> ::She shrugs, staring back over her shoulder to the complex. For a moment, she turns back ahead. Resolved, the young lady turns back towards the school:: ((Maybe he'll know.))
[21:54] <Reynard> <<The hell?>>
[21:54] <Erik> <Bova> ::bustles over to a large oven, opening the door and letting the scents of cooked food waft out as she removes a big tray of bacon, biscuits, gravy, sausage, eggs... in general, enough food to feed a small army.. and starts setting it out on the counter:: Help yourself, and if there's anything I can get you, just let me know!
[21:55] <Alex> :::Allows a grin to grace his face::: So tell me, what is it that bothers you so?
[21:55] <Reynard> Thank you ::bows out of habit as he loads a plate with some food before heading towards the dining room::
[21:57] <Erik> <Bova> If you see any of the others, please tell them to come eat? I fixed all of this but I haven't seen a soul all morning... ::disappointed look::
[21:57] <Kurt> ::tail whips back and fourth as he now turns to the side, flipping to an adjacent beam, standing on it with one hand before quickly bending forwards to touch his feet on the floor::
[21:57] <Emma> ((Hmmm... IBM isn't looking as good as it used to on the stocks.)) The inability to change things.
[21:57] <Reynard> ::look over his shoulder before disappearing through the door to the kitchen:: Sure thing.
[21:58] <Mystique> <<I'm so bad, I'm having evil thoughts of shoving Bova into the oven and making BBQ *cries*>>
[21:58] <Wanda> ::slips inside through the kitchen door, and beams a kind smile towards Bova:: Good morning Miss Bova! You're looking wonderful, as always. ::She embraces Bova, and sniffs at the air:: Oh goodness, something smells wonderful.
[21:59] <Alex> What do you wish to change? :::Opens his eyes, fixing his gaze on Emma:::
[21:59] <Erik> <Bova> ::smiles widely:: You must be hungry, dear... do have some breakfast...
[21:59] <Reynard> ::sits down at the long empty table before digging into his plate of food::
[22:00] <Emma> ((The whole American market looks questionable, actually...))
[22:00] <Wanda> Yes ma'am. You worry as much as Father. ::walks over to pick up a plate, and fills it with a couple of eggs and a piece of bacon:: You should eat, as well.
[22:01] <Reynard> <<Bova> I had a large plate of grass earlier, thank you.>>
[22:01] <Erik> ::pushes away from his desk with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, before standing and stepping out of the office::
[22:02] <Erik> <Bova> Oh, don't worry about me, Miss, I've had my breakfast long since. ::glances at Wanda's plate:: You don't eat enough to keep a bird alive, dearie.. what would your father say to me if you starved away to nothing? ::puts her hands on her hips::
[22:04] <Wanda> ::She meets Bova's motherly tone with a smirk, as she sits down in her usual place on the table:: I eat plenty, Miss Bova. You know you don't have to worry about me so much. Besides, I had already snuck a bran muffin from the kitchen this morning when you were out. ::Her smirk broadens a little::
[22:04] <Kurt> ::murmuring under his breath:: Ich bin aus Form heraus... ::twists his body to the side in a stretch, tail uncurling and going almost straight::
[22:04] <Emma> ::Even gaze at Alex.:: Perhaps rid myself of certian annoyances.
[22:05] <Reynard> ::looks across the table at Wanda and smiles before going back to his plate looking much more awake now that he's gotten some food::
[22:05] <Alex> :::Slowly arches a brow::: An annoyance? Really? Don't think I've ever been called such.
[22:06] <Erik> <Bova> ::puzzled look:: Oh, well then... ::sneaks a pear out to rest innocently beside Wanda's plate:: As long as you're eating...
[22:07] Pietro [reny@pool-138-89-41-91.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #funsim
[22:07] <Emma> Hard to imagiane..
[22:08] <Wanda> ::She chuckles a little:: What would I do without you, Miss Bova? ::She pauses for a minute, clears her throat, and hits the com button:: +com+ Breakfast is ready. Everyone come eat, including you, Father. ::She takes a small bite of her egg with her fork::
[22:08] Emma [Styxie@as01-oro-fl-1-76.rasserver.net] has quit IRC (Little mind flayers come from drunken storks.)
[22:08] Erik sets mode: +o Pietro
[22:09] <Erik> ::walking past the living room when his com goes off... pauses, then turns toward the dining room:: ((I must have lost track of time...))
[22:09] Emma [Styxie@as01-oro-fl-1-76.rasserver.net] has joined #funsim
[22:09] Erik sets mode: +o Emma
[22:09] <Catseye> ::still sleeping::
[22:10] <Pietro> ::suddenly appears behind Wanda in a blur, prodding his sister in the side with his index finger:: Morning Wanda ::grins::
[22:10] <Alex> ((Hard to imagine you being anything other than a uptight bitch)) Not entirely. You've never had the honor of meeting my family. :::Allows a grin to cross his face:::
[22:10] <Wanda> Good morning, Reynard. ::She smiles a little, and then glances to the door:: +com+ That means everyone!
[22:10] <Kurt> ::eyes his communicator, then briefly wipes his face with a towel before heading out of the workout room::
[22:11] <Catseye> ::looks around, kneeds the pillow, and curls back up::
[22:11] <Reynard> ::watches Pietro's sudden appearance::
[22:11] <Erik> ::steps into the dining room from the kitchen, carrying a plate (with his hands, for once)... face looking a little more lined than usual, perhaps, as he takes a seat at the head of the table::
[22:11] <Emma> <<*raises her arms in triumph!* I've been called an uptight bitch! >D>>
[22:12] <Alex> <<Not out loud.>>
[22:12] <Wanda> ::blinks for a moment, and gives him a faux stern look:: Good morning, Speedy. ::Her expression turns to a smile, and then taking another bite of egg:: I was wondering where you had run off to. ::glances up:: Good morning, Father. ::she smiles to him::
[22:13] <Pietro> ::moves to sit down in his place, offering a smile to his father on his way to sit:: Good Morning Father.
[22:13] <Emma> Hmm. ::Presses her lips together.:: Well, genetics does play a part... ::She glances at a clock ont he wall.:: After 10? No wonder I'm hungry.
[22:13] <Erik> Good morning, Wanda... ::takes a deep breath, quietly, before accepting a glass of juice from the hovering Bova and nodding her away::
[22:14] <Erik> ::extends his greeting to include Pietro as he passes:: ..Pietro
[22:14] <Reynard> <<::sees Bova as Mrs. Claus:: <Bova> Eat papa eat!>>
[22:14] <Pietro> ::fills his plate with some food, and fills his cup with some milk::
[22:14] <Alex> :::Gets up to his feet, stretching his legs a bit::: Always hate sitting that way for too long.
[22:14] <Kurt> ::pauses for a moment:: ((Should be close enough now..)) ::stands for a few seconds, then teleports to the hall outside the living room::
[22:15] <Reynard> <<Would we call Erik headmaster?>>
[22:15] <Emma> Why do you sit like that?
[22:15] <Catseye> <<papa eat now>>
[22:15] <Erik> <<I hope so, heh heh>>
[22:15] <Wanda> ((He must be dwelling over something again.)) ::Her eyes study him for a moment, before looking to Pietro with that twin-understanding look:: ((Maybe Pietro has some insight on what's wrong.)) ::She takes a sip of her orange juice::
[22:16] <Alex> Helps me to meditate. :::Smoothes out his clothes, a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt::: Been around my martial arts teacher too much.
[22:16] <Reynard> ::nods to Erik:: Morning Headmaster Lennsherr.
[22:17] <Erik> ::distant look as he absently pokes his food around:: Good morning Mr Nelson..
[22:18] <Kurt> ::walks into the dinining room, hesitating for a moment before taking an empty seat::
[22:18] <Emma> Hmm. ::Nods as she leaves the living heading to the dining room.::
[22:18] <Pietro> ::eats Bova's meal happily:: ((Thank god getting fat isn't an option for me... This food would be the end of me..))
[22:19] <Alex> :::Follows behind Emma, catching the smell of the food, then hears his stomach growl::: The beast has awoken.
[22:19] <Wanda> ::clears her throat a bit:: So....Father. You seem a little preoccupied this morning. Are you feeling well? ::She raises an eyebrow to him, concern reflecting in those blue eyes::
[22:21] <Erik> ::glances up again:: Mm. ::noncommittal noise:: I have been working...
[22:22] <Logan> <<*blank stare* I don't know what's going on x_x>>
[22:22] <Wanda> I see..::She pauses, and takes another sip, then shooting a look to Pietro again, as if to say "You could press the issue!". She glances back around to the others:: How has everyone's morning been?
[22:22] <Catseye> <<I'm still sleeping heh>>
[22:23] <Emma> ::Walks into the dining room and towards the kitchen when she smells the food.::
[22:23] <Reynard> ::Looks up from his now near empty plate:: Fine so far, course I did just wake up..
[22:23] <Pietro> ::smirks broadly, although turning into a grin to Wanda:: Why I've had a wonderful morning Wanda.. Thank you ::very sarcastic tone::
[22:24] <Kurt> ::gets some food, then sits again before quietly beginning to eat::
[22:24] <Pietro> <<brb>>
[22:25] <Alex> :::Follows Emma into the kitchen, then begins filling a plate with food::: Now this is how I like it. Nothing beats home cooked food.
[22:26] <Erik> <<Almost everyone is eating breakfast. Logan can probably smell the lovely aromas of Bova's cooking spree all through the house.>>
[22:26] <Erik> <<*jabs Icey* And Mystique needs to come socialize!>>
[22:27] <Logan> <<is that aroma subjective? ¬_¬>>
[22:27] <Erik> <<Hmm?>>
[22:28] <Catseye> ::wakes up smelling food:: mrow? ::hops off the bed and runs down the halls to the dining room::
[22:28] <Emma> ::She glances at Bova and nods, getting some eggs and bacon and a bit of toast.::
[22:28] <Wanda> ::rolls her eyes a bit:: Hush up Pietro. ::She quickly nods her head towards Erik, and mouths again:: "Why don't you ask him what he's working on?"
[22:29] <Catseye> ::hops up onto the table::
[22:29] <Erik> <Bova> ::beams at the children filling their plates, and busies herself washing dishes::
[22:29] <Mystique> <<she's not a very sociable person, which is why I'm having trouble deciding if I truly want to play her :(>>
[22:29] <Wanda> ::blinks at Catseye:: Sharon, remember.. Use the chair to sit, please.
[22:29] <Erik> ::doesn't even seem to notice Catseye on the table, eating methodically::
[22:29] <Emma> <<Who else would you be?>>
[22:30] <Erik> <<Mysti's sociable enough when she wants to be... give her a try at least :P
[22:30] <Erik> >>
[22:30] <Wanda> <<Just pretend she's knocked back a few beforehand!>>
[22:30] <Emma> ::She walks to the dining hall table with her meal and sits down.::
[22:30] <Logan> <<I know I have!>>
[22:30] <Reynard> ::blinks at the cat::
[22:30] <Catseye> ::looks at Wanda for a moment before stealing a piece of bacon from her plate and hopping onto an empty chair::
[22:30] <Alex> :::Walks into the dining hall, taking a seat, then begins to methodically tear into the food on his plate:::
[22:32] <Emma> ::Eats her breakfast using the prim manners she's been taught during childhood, though she doesn't make much atempt at conversation.::
[22:32] <Kurt> ::glances up long enough to look the others over::
[22:33] <Pietro> <<back>>
[22:33] <Logan> ::enters the dining room if that's where everyone is gathered for breakfast, the aroma of cigar smoke accompanies him overtaking these lovely aromas of bova's cooking spree though he is not presently smoking:: Mornin'. ::pulls up a chair, spins it around, and takes a seat at the table::
[22:33] <Wanda> Thank you.. ::glances over:: Good morning, Emma, Kurt. ..Pietro, don't you have something you'd like to *say*? ::Her voice gets a little stern::
[22:33] <Reynard> ::waves at Kurt as his glance grazes him, remembering him from yesterday::
[22:34] <Emma> ::Nods curtly towards Wanda.:: Good morning.
[22:34] <Pietro> Nope, nothing actually Wanda... Plus I don't want to speak with food in my mouth ::grins wholeheartedly and starts shoving some more egg into his mouth::
[22:34] <Catseye> ::finishes the bacon before returning to the table top, stealing a piece of sausage from Pietro's plate::
[22:34] <Kurt> ..Guten morgen.. ::..slowly raises his hand in a brief wave back at Reynard::
[22:35] <Reynard> ::gets a slight look of disgust on his face from Logans smoke smell, getting the worst of it from his sensitive olfactory::
[22:35] <Mystique> <<is like a big mess hall or something? or a dinning room?>>
[22:35] <Wanda> Good morning, Logan. ::Her noses wrinkles at the smell, and she another bite off her non-Catseye eaten food:: ((Ugh! I don't know why he acts like that sometimes!)) ::reddens around the face for a moment:: Father...
[22:35] <Catseye> ::hops back on the chair before sneezing from the smokey smell::
[22:35] <Erik> <<There is a purple cat running all over the table. x_x It's a big dining room, like a formal dining room.. hardwood floor... nice polished table... nice chairs... paintings on the walls, etc>>
[22:35] <Reynard> <<I thought it was a large room with a huge long wooden table that seats at least 30>>
[22:36] <Alex> :::Grinning widely at the familiar smell::: ((Ah, that brings back memories)) Good morning, Mr. Logan. Sleep well?
[22:36] <Erik> ::glances up again, looking at Wanda bemusedly:: Yes?
[22:37] <Mystique> ::strides into the room wearing a ruby silk robe that matches her hair but contrasts greatly with her indigo skin::
[22:37] <Logan> <<*glances at alex* Looks like we might be having ourselves a poker night.>>
[22:37] <Kurt> ((So the strange outdoorsman does have a real name..))
[22:37] <Wanda> Wouldn't you like to greet your students this morning? ::She takes another sip::
[22:37] <Emma> ::Glances at Catseye and sighs.::
[22:38] <Emma> ::She chuckles at Wanda's suggestion, her mask breaking for a second.::
[22:38] <Logan> ::glances at alex:: Slept well, yeah, kid.
[22:39] <Alex> :::Nods, then puts a fist to his lips to cover a burp::: Have some of the food. Rare to find home cooked this good.
[22:39] <Mystique> ::walks over to a stand bearing a silver tea set but which has been used for coffee this morning and ours herself a cup of straight black::
[22:39] <Erik> ::sipping his juice, narrowly masking a splutter as Mystique walks in:: ....Ms Darkholme, is that really appropriate attire for dining in the present company?
[22:39] <Pietro> ::examining Erik intently, frown forming slightly:: ((Something is bothering him... Knowing Wanda, she'll drag it out of him soon enough...)) ::continues eating::
[22:40] <Catseye> ::peeks up onto the table::
[22:40] <Kurt> ::glances over at Mystique, smirking, not at all surprised::
[22:40] <Reynard> <<Coffee in a tea pot! Sacrilege!>>
[22:41] <Wanda> ::blinks momentarily at Mystique's arrival, and frowns at Erik's lack of response:: ((I wonder if he truly trusts us, enough..)) Good morning, Ms Darkholme. ::she stares down onto her plate for a moment, before picking up the pear::
[22:42] <Catseye> :;hops up and over to Kurt's dish, stealing a sausage before returning to her chair::
[22:42] <Emma> ::Glances at Mystique and shurgs.:: I have worst in my closet.
[22:42] <Mystique> Consider it a precusor to their sex education, Erik...but frankly, a robe is hardly anything to be a prude about. ::takes a seat at the far far end of the dinning table away from the cluster of students::
[22:42] <Kurt> ::..swats his tail at Catseye's backside as she retreats::
[22:42] <Erik> ::passes a hand across his face:: ... Miss Smith, off the table please.
[22:43] <Catseye> mrow! ::hisses at Kurt::
[22:43] <Pietro> ::shifts in his seat uncomfortably at the discourse between his father and Mystique, than takes a big gulp from his cup of milk, leaving a big white moustache::
[22:44] <Alex> :::Scrapes the last of the food off his plate, then sets his fork on it::: So, what the encore?
[22:44] <Wanda> If you all will excuse me. ::She moves out of her seat, and carries the pear with her, through the door, and into the kitchen, then emitting a sigh::
[22:44] <Mystique> ::unfurls a trio of newspapers on the table before her next to her coffee:: ((Really Erik...when was the last time you have been with a women...or even date for that matter? The poor man...))
[22:44] <Kurt> ::scowls at Catseye now, shaking his fork at her almost threatningly::
[22:44] <Erik> <Bova> ::looks up from her soapy hands and dishes:: ..Is something wrong, Miss?
[22:45] <Emma> So, will every day be like this, Mr. Lennsherr? ::Sips her orange juice.::
[22:45] <Logan> ::surveys the table bemusedly::
[22:45] <Catseye> bluefur badboy with fork in hand ::finishes the sausage::
[22:46] <Wanda> I'm fine, Bova. ::she takes a seat on the small table, and stares at her pear for a moment:: Does it seem like my Father is more distant, lately, Bova? ::Her voice seems quiet::
[22:46] <Erik> ::aggrieved look:: No, Miss Frost, I can assure you every day will not. ::seems to recover a little of his attention, surveying the length of the table acutely::
[22:46] <Mystique> ::opens the NY Times and scans the headlines whilst sipping her coffee:: ((Mutant report in Kentucky...Japan...South Africa...))
[22:46] <Kurt> Ooh, so I'm a 'badboy' now, katze? ::goes back to eating, keeping an eye on the sausage thief::
[22:47] <Alex> :::Scratching his head::: ((Seems I'm the most normal person here...guess that's something I can flaunt later.))
[22:47] <Pietro> ::looks over the scruffy and skeezy looking Logan:: Good morning Logan... ::puts his cup of milk back down on the table, wiping the moustache off his mouth with his napkin::
[22:47] <Catseye> ::hops onto the floor and walks into the kitchen::
[22:47] <Erik> <Bova> Oh, I'm sure he's just busy, dearie... He's taken an awful lot on his shoulders, hasn't he? All these children... ::smiles at Catseye's approach, wiping her hands off on a towel and pouring a bowl of milk for her::
[22:47] <Kurt> <<::..gets an idea, smirks::>>
[22:48] <Mystique> <<Logan isn't a kid right?>>
[22:48] <Erik> <<Logan isn't a kid at all. heh heh>>
[22:48] <Reynard> <<Heck no...>>
[22:48] <Logan> <<he's older than you are =P>>
[22:48] <Mystique> <<how old do you think I am?>>
[22:48] <Erik> ::brows furrow a little as he eyes Mystique:: As long as you intend to read at the table, perhaps you would like to share the news with the rest of us, Raven.
[22:48] <Logan> <<older than magneto, heh>>
[22:48] <Alex> <<Ancient?>>
[22:49] <Catseye> ::meows at Bova::
[22:49] <Erik> <<i saw a funny fic that suggested Mystique was Picasso's Blue Period :3>>
[22:49] <Logan> <<lol>>
[22:49] <Wanda> ::glances down at Catseye, and pats her on the head with soft hands:: But...He won't let Pietro or I help him with much. He can't do it all alone, Miss Bova. No man can handle that much weight on his shoulders. I've tried to discuss it with him, but he simply shrugs it off.
[22:49] <Kurt> <<lol!>>
[22:50] <Pietro> ;:continues to shift uncomfortably from all the tension mounting:: ((I wonder why father even bothered inviting Miss Darkholme to the school if they seem to disagree on so much...)) ::frowns and plays with the egg in his plate, jabbing at each individual coagulation with his fork::
[22:52] <Emma> ::She pauses from getting up, too intrested to see the result of the ensuring tenison.::
[22:52] <Mystique> ::shoot Erik a smoldering annoyed glance:: "Eyewitnesses reported seeing a fireball shooting through the morning sky in Kentucky this past sunday. Authorities at first dismissed the phenomenom as a meteorite, but this certainly was not the case as the unidentified object seemed to veer as it a whim flying on its own accord."
[22:52] <Catseye> ::looks up at Wanda:: red hair lady not like bucket head?
[22:53] <Logan> ::glances at magneto expectantly:: ((If the shapeshifter flusters him this much, then how's he plan to deal with the flamin' enemy?))
[22:53] <Erik> <Bova> ::sets the bowl on the floor once again, glancing up at Wanda:: I don't know, myself, Miss... I don't presume to tell your father how to go about his business... and he doesn't tell me how to run my kitchen. ::nods definitively::
[22:53] Reynard is now known as ReyAFK
[22:53] <Emma> << I think we need a decent teacher in this school...>>
[22:54] <Mystique> <<whats wrong with Erik, Raven, and Logan?>>
[22:54] <Wanda> Quite the opposite, Sharon. I owe my Father my life. ::She frowns a bit:: I just don't want to see him so..engrossed, Miss Bova. ::She takes a bite of her pear, and offers another piece of it, after having torn it off, to Catseye::
[22:54] <Erik> Hmm... ::narrows his eyes in thought:: Perhaps... ((Soon, I will find a way to tell for sure...))
[22:54] <Alex> :::Looks to Logan::: Is it just me, or am I the odd man out here?
[22:54] <Emma> <<... Do any of them have any teaching expereince?>>
[22:55] <Kurt> ::finishes eating, then stands, carrying plate and utensils to the kitchen::
[22:55] <Catseye> bucket head is red hair lady daddy? ::starts lapping up milk::
[22:55] <Erik> <<...I dealt with psychiatric patients once? *nod nods* How much different can it be :D>>
[22:55] <Mystique> <<I slapped Kurt around a few times and taught him how to use a gun, so yeah :D>>
[22:55] <Logan> <<I'm not here to lecture to you on Shakespeare, kiddies.>>
[22:55] <Mystique> <<I can teach history since I lived through most of it!>>
[22:55] <Logan> <<My class sessions will be, you run, I chase, you stay alive.>>
[22:55] <Kurt> <<::rubs his cheek at a memory, giving Mystique a look behind her back::>>
[22:55] <Erik> <<*sniffle* Poor Kurt! ;_;>>
[22:55] ReyAFK [Tabax@ACA3BC4D.ipt.aol.com] has quit IRC ()
[22:56] <Emma> <<No wonder Poccy wins.>>
[22:56] <Erik> <<lol>>
[22:56] <Wanda> ::She nods:: And Pietro is my twin brother. I wish I knew what to do though. ::She glances over at the window::
[22:56] <Pietro> ::looks to his father:: Father, should we try to contact this mutant? Perhaps he could use our help...
[22:57] <Logan> <<says the chica who undergoes massive brain surgery and flees the country>>
[22:57] <Emma> <<I surrived!>>
[22:57] <Catseye> what is "twin"?
[22:57] <Erik> ::glances to Pietro:: I will keep an eye on what happens... perhaps, if more definitive news becomes available.
[22:57] <Kurt> ::deposits his plate next to the sink, side-glancing at Wanda and Bova before creeping towards the nearest exit:: ((Don't want to interrupt..))
[22:57] <Logan> <<So does most everyone here... *glances at wanda*>>
[22:57] <Emma> ::Gathers her dishes, looking somewhat disapointed in the results.::
[22:58] <Alex> <<Hey, I survived...if one ignores the fact I became a gun-totting loony.>>
[22:58] <Emma> << <AoA Sonja> *Places Ad in the paper as a teacher!* >>
[22:58] <Wanda> ::She struggles with a "proper" phrase:: A twin is like, when two children are born at the same time. ::flashes a polite smile to Kurt as he enters and leaves::
[22:59] <Catseye> ::spots Kurt tail and gives chase::
[22:59] <Emma> << Mysti would be so proud. :3 >>
[22:59] <Logan> <<lol>>
[22:59] <Kurt> ::halfway out the door before spotting Catseye running at him, turning quickly:: ....?
[23:00] <Logan> <<*WHAM*>>
[23:00] <Erik> <<*tumblethump crash hiss yowl?*>>
[23:00] <Pietro> ::nods:: Is there anything that you need me to take care of today father? I haven't got any activities planned as of yet... So if you need me, I am free..
[23:01] <Logan> <<Let's play capture the flag. Magneto vs... everyone else.>>
[23:01] <Pietro> <<yeah right, like that would be fair to the team who had to go up against me :P>>
[23:01] <Wanda> ::shrugs:: Oh well.. ::slips back into the kitchen, and quietly resumes her seat::
[23:01] <Wanda> <<Eh, a well placed hex would take you down!>>
[23:02] <Logan> <<I said Magneto vs everyone else, heh, TEAMWORK people.>>
[23:02] <Erik> ((Perhaps I should start testing their powers... no... it is too soon... too uncontrolled...)) No, Pietro... nothing as of yet.
[23:02] <Alex> :::Gets up, picking up his plate, then walks into the kitchen, adding it to the dirty dishes:::
[23:02] <Catseye> ::skids to a stop and looks up at Kurt:: bluefur mad at Catseye?
[23:04] <Kurt> ::looking down at her seriously, shaking a finger at her:: No more stealing food, and perhaps I will be nice, ja?
[23:05] <Wanda> ::glances to Pietro for a curious moment, and then notices most have already left:: ((Hm, they're awful quick.)) What needs to be done, today?
[23:05] <Emma> ::Enters the kitchen and adds it to the dirty dishes, smoothing out her hair as she walks away.::
[23:06] <Logan> <<who all is left in the dining room?>>
[23:06] <Pietro> ::nods:: Alright then... ((Another boring day...))
[23:06] <Catseye> catseye was hungry, catseye sorry
[23:06] <Wanda> << <-->>
[23:06] <Erik> ::turns to Logan, pushing his own chair back slightly:: Have you had the opportunity to peruse the grounds for possible avenues of entry or weaknesses?
[23:06] <Mystique> <<me>>
[23:07] <Erik> <<...Don't wanna go into the 'Mystique as avenue of entry' thought x_X>>
[23:07] <Kurt> ::a bit surprised:: Well, es ist gut. ::shrugs to himself, then turns and heads for the living room::
[23:07] <Logan> <<...>>
[23:07] <Mystique> <<anytime...anyone...Erik *wink*>>
[23:08] <Emma> <<I hope that does happen. Then Emma's got something new to work with.>>
[23:09] <Catseye> ::follows the tail::
[23:09] <Mystique> <<I <3 Catseye and Kurt, they are so cute :)>>
[23:09] <Kurt> ::walks for a few feet, then blinks, stopping and looking over his shoulder::
[23:09] <Wanda> ((There he goes again. Discussing important things with strangers, instead of his children.)) ::She casts a gaze to Pietro, yet again, showing her annoyance, and stands, pushing her chair in behind her::
[23:09] <Logan> <<not having a map to work off this is coming straight out of my ass...>> The valley's the only way on or off the mountain, easily defensible, but if we get overwhelmed we're gonna be f*cked for a way off this rock.
[23:10] <Erik> <<Are you ... ing to my question or to your question? I'm still in the dining room... I think Pietro and Wanda are... don't know who else>>
[23:11] <Erik> How do you propose we solve that problem? ::leans forward, bracing an elbow on the table and listening intently::
[23:11] <Mystique> ::takes another sip of coffe before tossing the NY Times aside and picking up the The Parisan::
[23:11] <Catseye> ::walks right into Kurt's foot::
[23:12] <Mystique> Underground escape route...using the natural cave structure in these mountains... ::responds absently::
[23:12] <Logan> The castle has sublevels. Use your powers to gouge out an escape tunnel, something to retreat to if we're cut off.
[23:12] <Pietro> ::arches a brow to Wanda:: ((Why is she giving me dirty looks? What did I do now...)) ::sighs and drinks from his milk::
[23:12] <Alex> :::Walks into his room, going through his dresser drawers::: Where did I put it this time?
[23:12] <Kurt> ::chuckles under his breath, then takes a step forward, 'porting into the living room::
[23:12] <Erik> ((I suppose I should introduce the students to the sublevels soon...)) ::nods slightly:: Easily done.
[23:13] <Catseye> ::blinks, before sneezing:: bluefur stinky when disappearing
[23:13] <Wanda> ::she walks over to him, and rests a hand on his shoulder:: Aren't you feeling a little frustrated?
[23:13] <Catseye> ::walks back towards the kitchen, sneezing::
[23:13] <Emma> ::She heads into the living room where she left her magazine.::
[23:13] <Mystique> ::side glance at Logan:: ((He stole me idea...or we just think alike...he reminds me so much of something else I had the "pleasure" of knowing...))
[23:13] <Catseye> ::runs into Emma's foot::
[23:14] <Logan> <<ooh, we can put lace the valley with defensive traps and make it into an obstacle for the kids...>>
[23:14] <Pietro> <<Wanda put her hand on my shoulder? or Mags'?>>
[23:14] <Logan> <<+course>>
[23:14] <Wanda> <<Yours>>
[23:14] <Erik> ::catches Raven's glance:: Do you have any other ideas, Raven?
[23:14] <Erik> <<Are any students left in the dining room?>>
[23:14] <Kurt> ::sits on the couch, putting his hands behind his head::
[23:15] <Alex> There it is! :::Puts on his headphones, clips his Walkman to his pants, then hits the play button:::
[23:15] <Pietro> ::turns to look back at Wanda:: No, why would I be? What's wrong, you've been giving me dirty looks ever since I got in the room...
[23:15] <Emma> ::Glances down at Catseye.:: Do watch where you're going dear. ::Sighs as she walks in, picking up her magazine and finds a new seat.::
[23:16] <Wanda> ::sighs a little:: We've been with him so long, and now it feels like we're being left out. ::crosses her arms, with a somewhat upset expression::
[23:16] <Mystique> Like Logan was saying...an underground route...but you might not even need to carve it. There might be a natural cave system in these mountains...perhaps with an underground river as well which could add great speed to any retreat.
[23:17] <Catseye> ::sneezes again before going over to a corner and curling up in a ball::
[23:17] <Mystique> <<Incest inceast is the best! Put your sister to the test!>>
[23:17] <Logan> <<this reminds me of final fantasy ix for some reason -_->>
[23:17] <Logan> <<eww, this is not ulti! pietro will not be tapping that ass!>>
[23:17] <Emma> <<This isn't Ulti! X_x>>
[23:17] <Emma> <<Jinx!>>
[23:17] <Wanda> <<*multi-kicks*>>
[23:18] <Erik> ::gestures to the doors of the dining room, and they close soundlessly and smoothly, now that only the faculty remain in the dining room:: Now... what do you both think about training the students?
[23:18] <Kurt> ::looks at Emma for a moment, then turns his gaze to the ceiling, leaning back in his seat::
[23:18] <Pietro> Left out? I don't think so at all... We are the first ones father turns to when he needs assistance...
[23:18] <Wanda> <<o_O We got thrown out, Petey! :|>>
[23:18] <Mystique> Training should begin immediately...there is only so much time...
[23:18] <Alex> :::Dances into the living room, seemingly lost in the lyrics of the music playing into his ears:::
[23:18] <Pietro> << meh, oh well :P>>
[23:19] <Wanda> ::gestures her head towards the now shut doors:: You were saying..? That Darkholme woman gives me the creeps, Pietro. And Logan's not much better.
[23:19] <Emma> ::Turns the page, manually.:: I'm looking foward what they can teach us..
[23:20] <Mystique> The students are all at varying levels of control already. We should divide them into groups so those with similar experience can work together. Fortunately Kurt is ahead of the game and is already quite proficient in his powers and other skills thanks to my training.
[23:20] <Pietro> ::shrugs:: We aren't nearly as old as any of them... I guess you are right though... He should be letting us in on some more of the things that go on around here...
[23:20] <Pietro> <<meh, cocky bitch :P>>
[23:20] <Kurt> ::with some amusement:: Looking forward? Ach.. not I..
[23:20] <Logan> ::nods:: If you want the kids to be able to take care of themselves, then you give 'em the tools. ::pops his claws, holding them up to his face and looking at mystique through them::
[23:21] <Wanda> And we keep getting pushed further and further back.. ::she almost scowls at the closed doors, her hand slowly outstretching:: Sometimes, Pietro...
[23:21] <Logan> <<And I haven't done anything creepy =P>>
[23:21] <Wanda> <<You don't have to! >>
[23:21] <Catseye> ::goes to sleep in the hallway::
[23:22] <Mystique> ::a charming smile graces her lips as she meets Logan's gaze:: ((So to the point, my dear Mr. Logan))
[23:22] <Mystique> <<it doesn't matter E, they are all prejudice and like to prejudge your char as some looney or bitch -_->>
[23:22] <Logan> <<I'm a big ole teddy bear... with long shiny claws that can rend flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter.>>
[23:22] <Pietro> I suppose father wants the other students to respond to us as peers as opposed to teachers... Perhaps that is his logic... ::shrugs:: Worrying about it isn't going to make things better Wanda, just give you a headache...
[23:23] <Erik> ::lips thinned slightly, sits back in thought:: What of those with such widely different powers that they cannot be reliably pitted against any of their peers? The telepath, for instance?
[23:24] <Alex> :::Hits the stop button, then takes off his headphones, looking to Kurt and Emma:: So, any ideas for something to do?
[23:24] <Mystique> A dangerous girl and unfortunately we don't have anyone equiped with similar powers to guide her. She might be a problem. "Nice" attitude.
[23:25] <Emma> Hrm, how come?
[23:25] <Emma> None for now...
[23:25] <Wanda> We're his children though. ::frowns, and lowers her hands a little:: I just don't like it. ::turns her back to the doors:: And he just won't open up to us anymore. I guess the dream is ruling his thoughts now. ::glances to him for a moment::
[23:25] <Catseye> <<bored now>>
[23:25] <Emma> <<They're plotting aganist me! >_< >>
[23:26] <Emma> All though... I do have some idea what I might do... ::Smirks slightly.::
[23:27] <Alex> ((Warning, warning! Danger, Will Robinson!)) And what might that be? Assuming it's legal, of course. :::Doing his best to keep the grin on his face:::
[23:27] <Logan> ::sheathes his claws, sniffs:: ((A claw through the brain doesn't know psychics from Adam.)) ::stares coldly in the direction of whatever room emma is in::
[23:27] <Pietro> It has to be hard on him to take this whole project onto his shoulders.... You are right though... It would be nice if he shared some of the burden on our shoulders, I could use the challenge... And would really appreciate something to do... ::looking down to his feet::
[23:27] <Kurt> ::not replying to Emma's earlier question, just watching her and Alex curiously::
[23:27] <Erik> I... believe her attitude may improve with careful handling. But yes, we cannot simply urge her to practice her abilities on whomever she wills... yet by the same token, we cannot bar her from learning to maximize her power potential.
[23:27] <Emma> Nothing too harsh. I'm wondering what the 'grown ups' are doing. ::She makes quotation marks in the air.::
[23:28] <Mystique> <<you guys should be mean and try to feed Catseye cat treats or something :D>>
[23:28] <Erik> <<Hey, she probably takes care of the mouse problem...>>
[23:28] <Logan> <<mice? i bet the highev already evolved all of them into demimen>>
[23:29] <Wanda> We could always go outside and practice a little. ::looks to the door:: There's bound to be something to work against. Maybe another rotting tree, or something of that sort.
[23:29] <Alex> :::Looks puzzled::: Why would you want to know that? It's not like they're planning world domination or anything...or at least I should hope not.
[23:29] <Logan> <<*snickers imagining highev flying around the castle with a raygun with his feline demimen blasting the mice*>>
[23:30] <Kurt> ::quietly:: Nein, I do not believe they're doing that..
[23:31] <Mystique> <<whoa, i just realized alot of the team is rather "villainou"...it would be interesting to see AoA turn into some bizzaro world where 616 villians fight for Xavier's dream :D>>
[23:31] <Pietro> ::frowns:: Yeah... just like we've been doing the whole time that we've been here.... If Father and the other two teachers are going to shut us out... Maybe we should take things into our own hands... Get the other students together and do something as a group.. I haven't really gotten to know any of the others in all actuality...
[23:31] <Logan> Right now the girl's an asset. You concern yourself with "maximizing her potential," I'll worry about her becoming a liability. ::stated very matter of factly::
[23:32] <Emma> ::Ponders for amoment.:: ((No, be wise Emma. If you do look and they find out, what now?))
[23:32] <Logan> <<Let's keep Creed far, far away from Mystique -_->>
[23:33] <Erik> ::raises a brow:: As I have asked you to see to the security of the school... I will take your comment to mean that is what you are doing. ::slight frown:: I do not, however, condone eliminating someone because they *might* become a *possible* threat... ::eyes narrow slightly:: Or because they do not conform to a particular mold.
[23:33] <Logan> <<*gouges out his mind eye* I just had a thought... Creed, Logan, and Mystique in a three-way.>>
[23:33] <Emma> ((Then. Pfeh.)) ::Sighs.:: Still, I wish I knew why we're living in the middle of the set of 'the Sound of Music'.
[23:33] <Erik> <<*shatter*>>
[23:33] <Wanda> I don't know, Pietro. ::frowns a bit:: He probably would be very angry with us.
[23:33] <Wanda> <<Ew..You didn't have to share that>>
[23:33] <Mystique> <<I'm game!>>
[23:34] <Alex> :::Looks around, shrugging::: I've seen weirder. The backwoods of the American heartland are not a safe place to be at night.
[23:34] <Logan> <<Yes, I did, see, it got Mystique excited, heh.>>
[23:34] <Wanda> <<No comment. -.->>
[23:34] <Logan> <<The hills are alive... with the sound of muuuuuuuusic!>>
[23:34] <Emma> << Awww... I'm getting defended and I'm the one who's being a bitch to the headmaster. *Sniff* >>
[23:34] <Catseye> <<we will be.. Bizzaro!>>
[23:35] <Pietro> Why would he be angry with us? He told us when the other students arrived we would have to try and make them feel welcome... So let's live up to our roles...
[23:36] <Kurt> ::raising an eyebrow:: ..Eigentlich..
[23:36] <Mystique> She is a telepath. One can not be too careful around them because their manipulation is beyond our field of vision. I think we should take precautions to see that the faculty is atleast protected from whatever meddling she might do.
[23:36] <Wanda> ::crosses her arms, silently::
[23:36] <Emma> Hrm?
[23:36] Logan [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:37] <Emma> <<You know, if I was Jean, and I had red hair, they'd all adore me! Notably Logan. :3 >>
[23:37] Logan [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has joined #funsim
[23:37] Erik sets mode: +o Logan
[23:38] <Pietro> I don't get what you are so against... We are just getting everyone together and doing an activity... Instead of everyone spending the entire day in their own individual little quarters..
[23:38] <Logan> <<err, stupid cord>>
[23:38] <Erik> I will see what I can do to protect the two of you. As for myself, I have been told that I have naturally strong mental shields.. ::distant look, for a moment:: I do not believe I have anything to worry about from an untrained girl.
[23:38] Reynard [Tabax@ACA9FC90.ipt.aol.com] has joined #funsim
[23:39] <Erik> <<wb>>
[23:39] Erik sets mode: +o Reynard
[23:40] <Wanda> I'm just not used to everyone yet, Pietro! ::she covers her mouth after speaking, and sighs:: Just go ahead and get them, and we'll do something. ((I don't think he understands. Or maybe he's more understanding than I am.))
[23:40] <Kurt> ::sits upright now:: Well.. I have no ideas.
[23:41] <Pietro> And you think I am Wanda?? It's better to break the ice sooner than later I think...
[23:42] <Wanda> I know..::lowers her head for a moment:: I'll be fine.
[23:43] <Pietro> ::nods:: Alright... I'll try and round everyone up than... ::darts away in a blur of speed visiting different locations around the campus and letting others know to assemble outside on the tenis courts::
[23:44] <Emma> <<We're all in the living room.>>
[23:44] <Reynard> ::nods even though Petey's gone before he can see it, and heads for the tennis courts::
[23:44] <Wanda> ::brushes through her hair, and steps out of the door, heading around the house slowly:: ((It just doesn't seem right to me.))
[23:45] <Erik> If we have nothing else of concern to discuss...? ::glances to Raven and Logan::
[23:45] <Emma> ::Glances at the others, unsure if she wants to follow along.::
[23:45] <Logan> <<i'd like to see emma try to screw with my head! get in line missy!>>
[23:46] <Catseye> <<has anyone tried to talk to me?>>
[23:46] <Alex> Tennis? :::Rubbing the back of his neck::: Can't we play something else? Like baseball or basketball?
[23:47] <Pietro> ::finishes his rounds around the campus and then darts out the backdoor and leans comfortably on the net in the tennis court:: ((I hope everyone shows up...))
[23:47] <Logan> <<while we're in here talking about them, they're off getting into trouble -_->
[23:47] <Kurt> ::shrugs and stands:: It seems something came up after all, ja? ::a few seconds later, he 'ports to just outside the tennis court::
[23:47] <Wanda> ((Don't let it bother you.. Just keep thinking about what a worthy cause this all is.)) ::she walks into the court, and rests her hands on her hips, standing beside Pietro::
[23:48] <Emma> I'll be there in a while.
[23:49] <Catseye> <<guess not heh>>
[23:49] <Emma> ::She gets up and kneels next to Catseye, shaking her shoulder.::
[23:50] <Catseye> row? ::looks up and sees Emma and jumps back:: oh, white hair lady.. hello ::stretches::
[23:50] <Alex> :::Walks out towards the tennis courts, looking sheepish::: ((I can barely hit the ball, let along play a decent game.))
[23:50] <Kurt> ::sways in place for a moment, then puts a hand on a nearby fence:: Ugh..
[23:50] <Reynard> ::arrives at the Tennis courts::
[23:50] <Emma> <<Fine! I shall! *Walks in front of Logan wearing one her infamous numbers in the normal timeline's HFC days*>>
[23:50] <Catseye> <<<Seraph> :;whistles::>>
[23:51] <Erik> <<Young lady, you will return to your room and not come out until you have donned the REST of your clothing! >_<>>
[23:51] <Emma> Hello, they're planning something outside on the tennis courts, in case if you're intrested.
[23:51] <Logan> <<*chuckles*>>
[23:51] <Erik> <<(says the guy who lets his daughter run around in a 'hello, I have boobs' body stocking..)>>
[23:51] <Alex> <<Damn, where's my camera?>>
[23:52] <Logan> ::gets up from the table and leaves the dining room::
[23:52] <Emma> << ... *Puts her hand on her hip and glances at Erik* ... You're insane, or you don't like the company of women. *Heads back to her room.*>>
[23:53] <Catseye> what tennis ::tilts her head::
[23:53] <Wanda> << I do not! ::wrinkles her nose a little, glancing down:: AH! x_X;>>
[23:53] <Emma> <<And Catseye will be student project.>>
[23:53] <Pietro> <<*whistles at Emma, and drools*>>
[23:53] <Kurt> ((I need to be more careful.. that was almost too far..)) ::composes himself, then walks over to Pietro and Wanda:: Hallo..
[23:53] <Wanda> ::jabs Pietro in the ribs, with a faint smile:: Go ahead, brother.
[23:54] <Emma> ::Sighs:: It's a game people play sometime with a ball. Come, I'll show you to the tennis courts.
[23:54] <Pietro> ::smiles at sight of Kurt:: Oh, hello Kurt, I am glad you came.... Just hang around a bit until the others show up...
[23:54] <Erik> ::stands, pushing his chair back... releasing the doors so that Logan can in fact leave the dining room:: ((Oddly quiet, out there. Perhaps they all returned to their rooms...))
[23:54] <Logan> ::glances about suspiciously at the lack of student present::
[23:54] <Catseye> ::pads over to Emma:: ok
[23:54] <Logan> <<presence>>
[23:54] <Alex> <<It's quiet....too quiet....>>
[23:54] <Mystique> ::continues to sip her coffee and read the paper since the faculty are done with their impromptu discussion::
[23:55] <Alex> :::Arrives at the tennis courts, still sporting a sheepish grin::::
[23:55] <Logan> <<Do you think we were born yesterday!?!>>
[23:55] <Kurt> ::shrugs, then glances back towards the school::
[23:55] <Emma> <<At the least someone in the near by area enjoys the view. *grins to petey*>>
[23:55] <Emma> ::Nods and walks down the hallway towards the outside of the school, making sure Cateye follows her.::
[23:56] <Catseye> ::scampers along after Emma::
[23:56] <Wanda> ::gives Pietro a sideways glance:: You realize I can't use my hex in here?
[23:56] <Catseye> <<if Emma were to wear a skirt... good view from down here...>>
[23:56] <Pietro> ::smiles and greets Alex, afterwards turning to Wanda:: What do you mean?
[23:56] <Reynard> <<It's the 80's.. aren't miniskirts "in"?>>
[23:57] <Pietro> <<Daisy Dukes!!!!!>>
[23:57] <Erik> <<Jesus christ, I do not need to hear about a cat checking out Emma's underwear -_->>
[23:57] <Reynard> ::waits wondering what the gathering is for::
[23:57] <Wanda> There isn't enough room. Were I to hit one of the fences..Father would surely know. ::she waves her hand about::
[23:57] <Mystique> <<we have lots of furries on this team >_< >>>
[23:58] <Reynard> <<Ph33r da phurr13s!>>
[23:58] <Emma> <<*lets them wonder what she's wearing!*>>
[23:58] <Logan> <<Yesssss, I'm building an army...>>
[23:58] <Pietro> ..I just told everyone to meet here because I assumed everyone knew where this place was.... I intend on going down to the valley..
[23:58] <Kurt> <<::waves his tail about::>>
[23:59] <Logan> <<*plans to have emma psiblast kitsune into oblivion so that he might have his own wildchild to lug about* Mwahahahahahahaha!>>
[23:59] <Reynard> <<::joins Kurt::>>
[23:59] <Wanda> ::rubs her forehead:: Why didn't I anticipate that? Too much inner angsting, clouds my judgement, I guess. ::she smiles a little::
[23:59] <Reynard> <<What?!?>>
[00:00] <Logan> <<Nothing, I'm just laughing maniacally, don't pay me any attention.>>
[00:00] <Kurt> ::glancing at Pietro and Wanda:: The valley? What is down there?
[00:00] <Reynard> ...so we're going on a hike?
[00:00] <Mystique> <<ok, no...that whole wildchild on a chain thing in AoA was completely gay -_->>
[00:00] <Emma> ::Finally reaches the tennis courts with Catseye in tow.::
[00:01] <Reynard> <<On a chain? Bondage, woo
[00:01] <Pietro> A lot of open space.... A nice hike back too, good excercise... ::Grins::
[00:01] <Reynard> +!>>
[00:02] <Emma> <<And when Icy says that, you know it's bad.>>
[00:02] <Logan> <<I was just thinking that, heh>>
[00:02] <Reynard> I thought this was a school, not summer camp. What's next, campfires and sing-alongs?
[00:02] <Catseye> ::looks around:: what this
[00:02] <Alex> Oh why not? Sounds like fun. :::Snickering to himself:::
[00:03] <Logan> ::stalking the coridoors of the castle looking for any signs of life::
[00:03] <Wanda> Noone's forcing any of you to go. ::speaks with that same stern voice as Erik has::
[00:03] <Reynard> <<Pete> Actually this is to prepare you for the toughest of all Gym Teachers... Logan>>
[00:03] <Erik> ::walks slowly back to his office::
[00:03] <Kurt> Fun.. perhaps..
[00:04] <Emma> A hike?
[00:04] <Logan> <<I am not a gym teacher. ¬_¬>>
[00:04] <Reynard> <<What then? Physical Trainer?>>
[00:04] <Pietro> Look... We are all going to have to get to know each other and work together anyway, so why not get a start on it? And as Wanda said.... This isn't mandatory...
[00:05] <Alex> <<Survival 101.>>
[00:05] <Erik> <<... *crosses out something on his little floating clipboard*>>
[00:05] <Logan> <<Damn straight, Alex>>
[00:05] <Emma> Fun if you're prepard. ::Sighs.:: Do you except me to walk down there in this? ::Raises an eyebrow.::
[00:05] <Logan> <<Lesson 1. *snikt* These are sharp, don't end up on the pointy end. Begin lesson.>>
[00:05] <Alex> <<First lesson: Run faster than the nutty savage with sharp claws.>>
[00:06] <Reynard> <<Final Exam: We blind fold each of you, shove you in a helicopter and drop you somewhere in the woods. Get back to the school by Monday>>
[00:06] <Catseye> Catseye confused
[00:06] <Wanda> Magnus' first lesson is always be prepared, in any situation. ::crosses her arms and paces for a moment::
[00:06] <Reynard> <<Note: No 'porting allowed>>
[00:06] <Pietro> ;;grins:: I suppose I could carry you down? ::chuckles:: Look... if any of you have a better idea, I'm open to suggestions...
[00:06] <Mystique> <<if you lay a finger on Kurt I will kill you>>
[00:06] <Kurt> <<..What they don't know won't hurt them! >_> >>
[00:07] <Kurt> <<Danke, Raven!>>
[00:07] <Alex> Always be prepared? What, was he a Boy Scout? :::Begins to realize what he just said, straining to keep the grin on his face:::
[00:07] <Emma> We haven't been taught that lesson yet.
[00:08] <Pietro> ::gives a cold glare to Alex:: No, he is just a brilliant man who has lived for 3 or 4 decades more than you... So his advice should be respected...
[00:08] <Logan> ::follows the students' trail out to the tennis court:: What's this? Mixed doubles? ::folds his arms over his chest::
[00:08] <Catseye> Catseye not know what hike mean
[00:08] <Mystique> <<where is Erik?>>
[00:08] <Erik> <<In his office. Which you have an office next door to, should you choose to use it *is making a floor plan now*>>
[00:08] <Reynard> Wise man say respect your elders. When we going?
[00:08] <Wanda> He was a survivor. ::looks ahead, her hair whipping in the wind:: And now, you've learned the lesson. ::leans over, reaching into her pack, and tosses Emma a pair of gypsy sandles::
[00:09] <Reynard> ::looks at Catseye:: Hike mean long walk through nature.
[00:09] <Emma> ::Sighs and catches them before taking off her ankle boots.::
[00:10] <Pietro> ::looks to Logan:: We were planning on arranging for something to do...
[00:10] <Alex> Well, it's not like...:::Sees Logan, looks shocked and guilty:::..Mr. Logan! Where'd you come from? ((Could you be more obvious?))
[00:10] <Mystique> ::looks around and smiles seeing herself alone and drinks the last of her coffee::
[00:10] <Kurt> ::slowly looks over to Logan, scowling slightly:: Begleitung..
[00:11] <Reynard> <<Odd man who asks if your okay and gives presents of soda cans with holes in them!>>
[00:11] <Wanda> We're giving a tour of Wundagore.. You're more than welcome to join us. ::makes a moment's eye contact with Pietro:: ((He's kind of creepy. But then, I also thought Father was when we first met him.))
[00:11] <Kurt> <<::paranoid look::>>
[00:12] <Catseye> catseye no want long walk, feet get hurty
[00:12] <Logan> A tour, huh? ::eyes each individual:: Sounds like fun. ::smirks::
[00:12] <Reynard> <<::suddenly has visions of Logan as Santa...::shudder::
[00:12] <Logan> <<*snickers*>>
[00:13] <Pietro> <<night guys :\ >>
[00:13] Pietro [reny@pool-138-89-41-91.mad.east.verizon.net] has left #funsim
[00:14] <Wanda> ::shrugs, and starts down the preplanned path::
[00:14] <Emma> ((Oh God no...))
[00:14] <Erik> ::sits at his desk for a few minutes, frowning slightly, before he shakes his head and stands up once more, and goes to the back wall of the office, where a panel slides open to reveal a elevator of sorts::
[00:14] <Reynard> ::starts to follow, nothing else to do::
[00:16] <Kurt> ::hesitates, then trails after them::
[00:17] <Wanda> ::hums a Roma originated gypsy tune as she continues down the path, passing several patches of small brush:: It's pretty tame around here, but the further you get, the deeper the foliage becomes.
[00:17] <Logan> ::walks alongside wanda, speaking to her softly so as not to be easily overheard:: You don't like me much.
[00:18] <Reynard> ::smiles:: Should we be taking notes?
[00:18] <Alex> :::Follows, looking a bit unsure::: ((Been awhile since I took a good long walk in the middle of nowhere))
[00:18] <Erik> <<Oh oh oh!! Whatever you do... don't eat the water hemlock! *flashbacks to senior survival trip* x_x>>
[00:18] <Logan> <<...>>
[00:18] <Kurt> <<..lol>>
[00:19] <Emma> ::Crosses her arms and watches them walk away.::
[00:19] <Erik> <<we hiked for 3 f*cking miles, I swear to god, for them to show us this one pathetic little funny looking plant growing out in the middle of a creek where you couldn't even get to it, and tell us to never EVER eat it. -_->>
[00:19] <Reynard> <<LOL>>
[00:20] <Logan> <<3mi? *scoffs* You call that a hike? Was it uphill at least?>>
[00:21] <Kurt> ::folds his arms behind his back, staring down at the ground as he walks:: ((It is scenic here, yes.. but were they planning anything more than walking around?))
[00:21] <Alex> <<3 mile? That's not a hike, that's a short walk.>>
[00:21] <Catseye> ::pads along behind the others::
[00:21] <Catseye> <<I feel like Luna...>>
[00:22] <Catseye> <<Usagi! We have to save the world!>>
[00:22] <Reynard> <<Heh talking purple kitty!>>
[00:22] <Erik> <<Action> A big ugly snake demon thing rears out of the ground! Nyah! So much for your idyllic hike! Try explaining to Erik how his daughter got eaten. :)>>
[00:22] <Wanda> ::glances over at Logan, with a wrinkled nose:: Is there a time when you never smell like cigars?
[00:23] <Kurt> <<o.o>>
[00:23] <Logan> <<Nobody gets eaten on my watch, bub. I'd cut her out of the beast's belly and bathe her in baking soda if I had to! =P>>
[00:23] <Emma> ::Turns and heads into the house hold again.:: ((I suppose I should pratice some more telekentic excerises.))
[00:23] <Logan> Yeah... just before I light one up.
[00:24] <Reynard> ::is taking this time to familiarise himself with other's scents now that they're away from a lot of food and overpowering cigar smell::
[00:25] <Catseye> <<I'm lost, so I'll head back to the compound now>>
[00:25] <Wanda> That's hard to believe. But.. ::she ducks slighly to dodge an overhead branch:: I don't know you enough to like or dislike you, except wht my father has told me, which is very little..
[00:28] <Wanda> <<Looks like this one died ^^>>
[00:28] <Kurt> <<Nooo! ;.;>>
[00:28] <Alex> <<Phase> Should I put it outta it's misery?>>
[00:29] <Reynard> <<Huh?>>
[00:29] <Wanda> <<I'm kinda tired..and Ren was the forest guide dude. :p>>
[00:29] <Logan> Alright, then let's talk about your father.
[00:30] <Reynard> <<Oh.>>
[00:30] <Wanda> What's to discuss? ::raises an curious eyebrow to him, as she continues to walk:: I assumed you two knew each other already..
[00:30] <Reynard> ::walks along briskly enjoying the surroundings::
[00:31] <Logan> I know what I think of him, I want to know what you think.
[00:31] Alex [~CdrMikeAS@ip68-109-4-58.hr.hr.cox.net] has left #funsim
[00:31] <Reynard> <<should be a comma in there...>>
[00:31] <Kurt> ::tail starts to lash again, and he glances up at the others:: Do we have a particular destination?..
[00:33] <Emma> ::Walks back into the castle towards the living room and sits down with a sigh.::
[00:33] <Wanda> ::shrugs a little:: Honestly? He came into my life late, and we found out the truth about him, and my mother. He had this, almost..fascination about me looking just like her. To make a long story short, he took us from our old home and showed us what he had learned.. And a semblance of controlling our powers. ::frowns a little:: Now he's keeping too many secrets from us, and it worries me.
[00:33] <Erik> ::stands in the belltower, under the bells, leaning against a pillar slightly and looking out over the valley::
[00:33] <Reynard> ::tail swishes along behind him minding it's on business::
[00:34] <Logan> D'you ever think that maybe he just wants to protect you?
[00:34] <Catseye> ::follows after Emma:: why white hair lady sad?
[00:35] <Wanda> A lot. But he can't protect me forever. I'm a grown woman, not a child. ::glances towards the stream to the right for a moment:: Pietro and I took care of ourselves long before our father came into our lives. I don't need to be sheltered forever. I want to help him with his cause, because I believe in it too. ::turns her expression upward:: I mean, if my Father feels so strongly about it, it must be right.
[00:35] <Emma> I'm frustrated...
[00:36] <Logan> There's a lot of scary things beyond those mountains. You sure you ready for 'em?
[00:37] <Wanda> How will I know if I'm constantly being unable to experience them? ::levels a gaze to him:: You're more than you let on, Logan.
[00:38] <Emma> It hasn't acted up, but I know my powers will be coming back. ::Rubs her temples.::
[00:38] <Logan> I'm just a man tryin' to make his way in the world.
[00:38] <Catseye> ::hops up onto the couch:: why that bad
[00:39] <Wanda> ::peers into his eyes for a moment, silently::
[00:39] <Reynard> ::slows down a little to be back with Kurt::he gestures at Logan:: Is that the 'odd guy' you met yesterday?
[00:39] <Kurt> ::lagging behind the others now, lost in his thoughts and no longer even trying to pay attention to the surroundings::
[00:40] <Kurt> ::blinks, looking at Reynard:: ..Ja..
[00:41] <Reynard> He doesn't seem all that odd, bit scruffy maybe...
[00:41] <Wanda> There's much wisdom in your eyes. ::turns back ahead:: But regardless, he's going to have to let us all see the world eventually. He's spoken of Apocalypse, before.. ::her voice trails off::
[00:41] <Emma> ::snickers to herself softly.:: I have no idea why I'm even talking about this, but I read people's minds. But I cannot contorl it so I hear everyone's thoughts at one time.
[00:42] <Kurt> ::distracted shrug:: I suppose I was trying to joke with you, mein freund.
[00:43] <Reynard> You okay? You seem a little distracted...
[00:43] <Catseye> at least not alone ::purrs quietly::
[00:43] <Logan> ::non-awkward moment of silence::
[00:44] <Catseye> always hear others
[00:44] <Kurt> I am thinking.
[00:44] <Reynard> Of?
[00:46] <Kurt> ::small toothy smile:: Ah.. of how I came to be here, you could say.
[00:46] <Emma> Alone? ::She's quiet for a moment, looking very young and invurable.:: You are right. I'm not 'alone'.
[00:46] <Emma> You too?
[00:47] <Emma> You hear what they're thinking?
[00:47] <Reynard> ::smiles as well:: Well, you walked, along with the rest of us. That's how you got here.
[00:47] <Logan> ::slows his pace to allow rey and kurt to "catch up"::
[00:47] <Catseye> nobody think of catseye, catseye fend for self. only hear what people talk
[00:48] <Kurt> ::shakes his head:: That was not what I meant..
[00:48] <Reynard> Oh, you meant in the cosmic sense?
[00:49] <Emma> Oh. You're forgotten so people speak freely of you?
[00:49] <Kurt> Ach, no. Somewhere between the two. ::doesn't notice that they're catching up to the others::
[00:50] <Catseye> they think cats not hear but catseye hear
[00:50] <Reynard> Ah, well I hope you find your answers...
[00:51] <Kurt> ..Danke. I think.
[00:51] <Logan> You two doing alright? ::to fuzzy number 1 and fuzzy number 2::
[00:52] <Kurt> ::looks up, then smirks:: Why wouldn't we be?
[00:52] <Emma> <<Do we know about each others powers?>>
[00:52] <Logan> There's a snake about to bite your ankle.
[00:53] <Reynard> No, no we're not. Thankfully you came by! ::all in a fake desperate tone::big smile:: Really? ::looks down for the snake::
[00:54] <Erik> <<Probably, unless someone chooses not to reveal any more than is painfully obvious just by looking at them>>
[00:54] <Kurt> ::jumps slightly, quickly looking to the ground:: Was!?.... ....
[00:54] <Emma> So.. when you're a cat they don't realize you can listen. ::Thinks.:: It must hurt, at times.
[00:55] <Logan> ::smirks, almost chuckling, but letting out more of a snort::
[00:56] <Kurt> ::with a dark look:: Sehr lustig.
[00:56] <Logan> <<speak english =P>>
[00:57] <Kurt> <<Nein! Sie können meinen flockigen blauen Kolben küssen! :D>>
[00:57] <Erik> <<lmao>>
[00:57] <Reynard> ::looking at Logan:: Jodanii...
[00:58] <Kurt> <<And I intend to say that IC one day, too >D >>
[00:58] <Logan> <<...what about your piston? -_-;>>
[00:58] <Erik> <<*sigh* This is so good, it's a pity it can't be included in continuity :(>>
[00:59] <Kurt> <<Use the dictionary.com translator, heh>>
[00:59] <Logan> <<well if you started the sim =P>>
[00:59] <Reynard> <<We can just redo it in the official one ^^>>
[01:00] <Erik> <<Well if people got their bios in... :P>>
[01:01] <Logan> <<maybe people aren't getting their emails =P>>
[01:01] <Kurt> <<I can send the part I have, if you like >_>; >>
[01:01] <Emma> <<*gloats that she is feared!* Wait.. gloating is improper manners.>>
[01:01] <Erik> <<I'd rather see it done so I don't have to go back and muddle with it later..>>
[01:02] <Catseye> ::nods to Emma::
[01:03] <Emma> ::Sighs quietly.:: I'm sorry about that.
[01:05] <Reynard> ::Looking at Logan:: Now, how would you feel if one us really did get bit by a snake?
[01:05] <Kurt> Well. Is this little trek completed? ::looking just a bit cross::
[01:06] Logan [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:06] <Erik> <<*sadly shakes head* He got bit by a snake...>>
[01:06] Eclipse [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has joined #funsim
[01:06] <Reynard> Not enjoying a little walk?
[01:06] <Kurt> <<Heh heh. Serves him right! ..Oh, wb>>
[01:06] <Eclipse> <<jodanii?>>
[01:07] Erik sets mode: +o Eclipse
[01:07] <Reynard> <<Nice joke>>
[01:07] Eclipse is now known as Logan
[01:08] <Reynard> <<Jodan><ii> <Joke><nice> Nice joke ^^;>>
[01:08] <Logan> <<in japanese?>>
[01:08] <Erik> << http://aoa.iwarp.com/wundafloor1.jpg >>
[01:08] <Reynard> <<Yes...>>
[01:08] <Logan> <<ooh, perdy...>>
[01:09] <Reynard> <<Loading...>>
[01:09] <Logan> <<one of the languages i'm supposed to know! ^_^>> ::in japanese:: [[You're from Japan.]]
[01:09] Kurt` [~ashleyann@] has joined #funsim
[01:10] Erik sets mode: +o Kurt`
[01:10] <Logan> <<ha =P>>
[01:10] Wanda [~RogueX@user-24-214-56-22.knology.net] has left #funsim
[01:10] <Kurt`> <<x_o>>
[01:10] <Reynard> <<I know, read your bio>>
[01:10] <Reynard> ::looks at him again:: Hai..
[01:10] <Mystique> <<my office is smaller?!>>
[01:10] <Catseye> why white hair lady sorry
[01:11] Kurt [~ashleyann@] has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[01:11] Kurt` is now known as Kurt
[01:11] <Catseye> white hair lady nice to catseye
[01:11] <Kurt> ::replying to Reynard's earlier question:: There is little point in this walk, ja?..
[01:11] <Reynard> ::to Kurt:: True, what about exercise?
[01:11] <Mystique> <<what is wc?>>
[01:11] <Logan> <<washchamber<<
[01:12] <Reynard> <<At the bottom it says WC = Bathroom>>
[01:12] <Logan> <<I think the funsim is officially kaput.>>
[01:12] <Emma> Well... someone should be. And it's blonde, not white. ::Chuckles.:: Besides, someone here has to teach you to become a lady.
[01:12] <Reynard> <<Awwww>>
[01:13] <Kurt> I prefer harder exercise than this, danke.
[01:13] <Catseye> catseye not lady, catseye cat
[01:13] <Kurt> <<No! Funsim must continue! ;.;>>
[01:13] <Reynard> Oh, little power lifting?
[01:13] <Kurt> <<What're you guys looking at?>>
[01:14] <Logan> <<*resists urge to pick up kurt in on hand and rey in the other and hurl them like shot put*>>
[01:14] <Kurt> Nein, I am more.. acrobatic. ::slight shrug::
[01:14] <Reynard> <<We still want to sim!>>
[01:14] <Kurt> <<...>_>;;; >>
[01:14] <Logan> <<He said power lifting, heh>>
[01:14] <Reynard> Ah, I'm not too bad at that, just know a few basics...
[01:15] <Emma> ::Looks a little confused.:: Could you not be both?
[01:15] <Catseye> how catseye do that
[01:15] <Reynard> <<Yes, sound effect: Hrrrr... *chink* Okay, up in another 10 pounds...>>
[01:15] <Reynard> *up it
[01:16] <Logan> You want excercise, pup? ::to rey::
[01:16] <Logan> <<*cracks his knuckles*>>
[01:16] <Reynard> ::eartwitch:: Pup?
[01:16] <Emma> Well... when you're around 'Bucket Head', you act as how he wants you to act. When you're alone, you do what you wish.
[01:16] <Kurt> ::looks to Reynard and Logan with a hint of amusement::
[01:17] <Logan> <<kurt's 'kid', you get to be 'pup'>>
[01:17] <Reynard> <<Oh cute...Arf arf!>>
[01:17] <Catseye> bucket head not say much to catseye
[01:17] <Reynard> <<I thought Kurt was elf ^^>>
[01:17] <Kurt> <<::tosses Rey a bone:: >D>>
[01:17] <Logan> <<don't take offense mr. pointy eared bushy tail-having boy =P>>
[01:17] <Mystique> <<so who is a second in command at the school? :D>>
[01:18] <Kurt> <<...Watch it be Bova. lol>>
[01:18] <Emma> Well, he doesn't like your table manners.
[01:19] <Reynard> <<Actually if you call him a dog or anything along those lines he'll respond with "Arf arf">>
[01:19] <Emma> <<I trust Bova more than Logan or Mysti.>>
[01:19] <Catseye> catseye not know manners
[01:19] <Mystique> <<Why are we so untrustworthy? You make us out to be mosnters :(>>
[01:19] <Reynard> ::to Logan:: I get enough on my own, thanks.
[01:20] <Erik> <<Mystique is theoretically 2nd in command... whether the students treat/perceive her as such depends of course on how she treats them and how things turn out..>>
[01:20] <Emma> <<Bova doesn't carry guns. -_-; And she likes everyone!>>
[01:21] <Emma> May I teach you them, then?
[01:21] <Reynard> <<And she's rather placid by nature...>>
[01:21] <Mystique> <<*morphs into Erik* ah ha...trust me kiddies...!>>
[01:21] <Catseye> ok
[01:23] <Emma> <<*evil laughter!* My first student!>>
[01:24] Logan [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:24] Mystique is now known as Mysti[Bio]
[01:24] <Kurt> <<Yay!>>
[01:24] <Reynard> <<And he's gone again>>
[01:25] <Reynard> ::back to Kurt:: Besides there's not much else to do here...
[01:25] <Kurt> <<He better get back.. actually want to see what sort of life-threatning exercise he might have planned ;.;>>
[01:26] Eclipse [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has joined #funsim
[01:26] Erik sets mode: +o Eclipse
[01:26] Eclipse is now known as Logan
[01:26] <Logan> <<what i miss?>>
[01:26] <Reynard> <<Wb>>
[01:26] <Reynard> * Logan has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:26] <Reynard> * Mystique is now known as Mysti[Bio]
[01:26] <Reynard> <Kurt> <<Yay!>>
[01:26] <Reynard> <Reynard> <<And he's gone again>>
[01:26] <Reynard> <Reynard> ::back to Kurt:: Besides there's not much else to do here...
[01:26] <Reynard> <Kurt> <<He better get back.. actually want to see what sort of life-threatning exercise he might have planned ;.;>>
[01:26] <Mysti[Bio]> <<technically I should be working on Styxie's bio first :P>>
[01:27] <Kurt> Ja, that is true. ::sighs:: Making our own entertainment is not easy.
[01:27] <Emma> <<I'm not as anal as Drags. I just need the stat abilites.>>
[01:27] <Reynard> You play any sports?
[01:28] <Kurt> Sports? ::pondering look:: Nein, not particularly.
[01:28] <Emma> Hmm... starting this afternoon, we'll get you to learn how to drink from a glass.
[01:29] <Reynard> Well what do you like to do? Must be something else besides acrobatics
[01:30] <Logan> ::pops his claws, the distinctive snikt permeating the air and reminding both kurt and rey that they're a long way from the castle with only themselves and logan:: I'm a hunter myself.
[01:30] <Kurt> ::...looks to Logan, eyes going slightly wide::
[01:30] <Reynard> ::stares at the claws:: Nice...
[01:32] <Logan> Run. <<away and never return, Simba!>>
[01:32] <Kurt> ..Was!? ::stupidly, not moving::
[01:32] <Reynard> ...you're faculty, you wouldn't hurt us...
[01:33] <Reynard> <<No fair! Kurt can just 'port!>>
[01:33] <Kurt> <<Hahaha! ..And I can't take you with me, either>>
[01:33] <Logan> <<heh, and make himself easier to find until he gets too tired to port>>
[01:33] <Emma> <<*Looks tripumhant!*>>
[01:34] <Erik> <<lol>>
[01:34] <Emma> <<AND I avoid the scary fuzzy man's claws! I so rule!>>
[01:34] <Logan> ::swipes his claws at rey's midsection slicing through his shirt without touching his flesh::
[01:35] <Catseye> no drink from dish?
[01:35] Kurt [~ashleyann@] has quit IRC ("Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer." - Charles Caleb Colton, Lacon)
[01:35] <Reynard> ! ::dashes off, once a bit away he morphs mid stride and takes off on all fours:: ((I liked this shirt!))
[01:35] <Erik> <<*bamf?*>>
[01:36] <Reynard> <<guesse so>>
[01:36] <Emma> Proper manners dicact one shouldn't drink from a dish. Though that rule tends to be ingored when drinking soup.
[01:36] <Logan> <<*snickers* Ms. Mannersfrost>>
[01:36] Kurt [~ashleyann@] has joined #funsim
[01:37] <Reynard> <<wb. what'd you see last?>>
[01:37] <Emma> <<Hey! I need a student! It's part of my self-estem problem. I must make little clones of me. O_O>>
[01:37] <Logan> ::sheathes his claws as rey takes off running and leans against a tree:: ((34.. 35.. 36.. 37..))
[01:37] <Reynard> <<Minifurryme!>>
[01:37] Erik sets mode: +o Kurt
[01:38] <Kurt> ::*BAMF!* about twenty feet back down the trail::
[01:38] <Logan> <<are you two running in the same direction?>>
[01:38] <Reynard> ((Must get back to castle...)) ::dash::dash::run::run::
[01:39] <Kurt> <<I'm going back the way we came..>>
[01:40] <Kurt> ::starts running after taking a moment to get his bearings:: ((Is this man crazy!?))
[01:40] <Reynard> <<Headed straight for the castle, being small I can get through the underbrush quickly>>
[01:40] <Logan> ((94.. 95.. 96.. 97.. 98.. 99..)) ::dashes after the dynamic duo waving the cloud of brimstone away from his face as he passes through it::
[01:40] <Erik> ::still standing outside, watching the valley silently from the vantage point of the belltower::
[01:43] <Reynard> <<The few, the proud, the furry!>>
[01:43] <Kurt> ::hops over a treebranch, briefly risking a glance over his shoulder:: ((Too far from the school now.. verdammt.. where did the fuchsjunge go?))
[01:43] <Kurt> << ^^v >>
[01:43] <Logan> ::pops his claws again, slices though the underbrush rather efficiently but making a good deal of noise to add to the dramatic effect:: Rarrrghhhh! Hrrrmph! GRRRRRRRR! ::slice dice julienne::
[01:44] <Kurt> <<...Damn, there's no german translation for 'AHHHH!'>>
[01:45] Emma [Styxie@as01-oro-fl-1-76.rasserver.net] has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:46] <Reynard> ((He wouldn't actually cut us; would he? Better not to risk it..)) ::run::run::dash::scramble::bolt::
[01:47] Emma [Styxie@as01-oro-fl-1-76.rasserver.net] has joined #funsim
[01:47] <Kurt> ::teleports ahead another twenty feet, staving off the slight vertigo caused from physical exertion right after 'porting::
[01:48] <Logan> <<heh, you're lucky, i'm going back up to my room, bbiaf>>
[01:48] <Mysti[Bio]> <<do I have to follow the timeline? at least for Destiny's part?>>
[01:49] <Kurt> <<::takes the opportunity for a bathroom break::>>
[01:49] <Reynard> <<::gets some more pizza::>>
[01:50] Logan [~jhthomas@133-129.ctn.du.edu] has quit IRC (durrhhh)
[01:50] <Catseye> blonde lady smart?
[01:51] <Emma> I'd like to think so. And thank you for remembering Catseye. ::Smiles genuinely.::
[01:51] <Catseye> ok catseye will learn from smart blonde lady
[01:52] <Catseye> <<whoa that sounds odd>>
[01:52] <Reynard> <<Don't think it! Believe it!>>
[01:52] <Erik> <<If I'm gonna need to change the timeline, i need to know how and where, and if it will affect any of the other dates calculated off of it..>>
[01:53] <Emma> <<O.o;; Oh geez, it DOES sound odd.>>
[01:54] <Emma> Let's go to the kitchen and see if Miss Bova has any plastic wear. ::Stands up.::
[01:55] <Catseye> ::stretches:: ok
[01:57] <Reynard> ::bursts back onto the trail in full run still a cute little fox::
[01:57] <Reynard> <<Aww, puppy!>>
[01:57] <Kurt> ::starting to breathe heavily now, pace slowing slightly::
[01:58] <Reynard> ::sees Kurt just ahead of him::
[01:58] <Catseye> <<hot and sweaty Kurt.. eww>
[01:59] <Kurt> <<::..gives Nak a hug:: ^-^>>
[01:59] <Catseye> <<gah! ::jumps into a bleach filled pool::>>
[02:00] <Reynard> <<Heh, the smell of wet fur>>
[02:00] <Emma> ::Walks out of the living room to the kitchen.::
[02:00] <Catseye> ::pads along after Emma::
[02:01] <Kurt> <<Etwas falsch, mein freund? ^-^>>
[02:01] <Reynard> ::morphs back to regular and catches up with Kurt:: Think ::pant:: he's still ::pant:: after us?
[02:02] <Kurt> A man like that!? Ja! ::gives a paranoid look over his shoulder::
[02:03] <Reynard> Never look back! ::run::run::
[02:03] <Emma> ::Walks into the kitchen.:: Miss Bova?
[02:03] <Reynard> Should we tell the headmaster he's hired a psycho? ::still panting some::
[02:04] <Kurt> ::grits his teeth for a moment, quickening his pace:: Dann können Sie nicht, zu erklären, wann er im BegriffIST, Sie zu beenden! ::gasps for breath::
[02:05] <Reynard> ::looks at him:: Calm down just a bit, at least enough to speak English.
[02:06] <Kurt> ::shakes his head slightly in defeat:: Do you think we've lost him..?
[02:06] <Reynard> Don't know, hope so...
[02:07] <Reynard> He slashed one of my favorite shirts!
[02:07] Eclipse [~jhthomas@134-190.cts.du.edu] has joined #funsim
[02:07] Erik sets mode: +o Eclipse
[02:07] Erik sets mode: +o Emma
[02:07] <Kurt> ::slowing down to a jog:: ..I need a rest.. haven't ran for my life in quite some time..
[02:07] <Erik> <<You let the boy get soft? *glare at Mysti*>>
[02:08] <Eclipse> <<*chuckles*>>
[02:08] <Reynard> ::matches his speed. If they die, they die together!::
[02:08] Eclipse is now known as Logan
[02:08] <Emma> ::Sighs curtly and starts to look around in the pantry.:: ((Plasticwear... plasticwear.))
[02:08] <Kurt> <<Oh, sure, I duck her blows of hate.. but she hasn't actually chased after me with a gun for about a year!>>
[02:09] <Reynard> <<Or giant metal cutting claws that sprout from her hands!>>
[02:10] <Logan> ::leaps from the trees, pouncing upon kurt as soon as his pace slows::
[02:10] <Emma> << <AoA Sonja> See! See! I don't chase after kids with weapons! I just make them get an education!>>
[02:11] <Reynard> Gah! ::stops out of shock::
[02:12] <Kurt> ..AHHHHH! ::*BAMF!* almost as soon as Logan actually touches him::
[02:12] <Reynard> ...oh sure leave me with him... ::nervous laugh as he looks at psycho Logan::
[02:12] <Kurt> <<...Going about 40 feet further ahead.. And if that too Logan with him, by god, he's going to be very very sick>>
[02:13] <Catseye> ::sniffs the milk from earlier:: iyeuck..
[02:13] <Erik> <Bova> ::peeks into the kitchen:: Can I help you, Miss?
[02:13] <Reynard> <<Logan> RAHHHHH! *hair flashes and turns golden* <Bystander> He's gone Super!>>
[02:14] <Kurt> <<x_o>>
[02:14] <Logan> ::lands, tucking and rolling through the cloud of brimstone towards reynard, leaps to his feet in front of the petrified boy, and holds his arm out pointing his fist at rey's throat before popping the two outermost claws::
[02:15] <Reynard> ::gulps nervously:: H-h-hi...
[02:15] <Erik> <<lol, i am so not going to edit this log... like 5 hours of timestamps and << >>ing... no way..>>
[02:15] <Kurt> ::gasping when he finishes 'porting, looking back down the trail for a moment, then grabs a treebranch and flips himself up onto it::
[02:16] <Kurt> <<5 hours! Whooo! >D>>
[02:16] <Logan> Play dead. ::turns his head towards kurt, sniffs::
[02:16] <Reynard> <<Yay!>>
[02:16] <Reynard> ::nods::flops to the ground limply::
[02:17] <Emma> Yes, do we have plastic wear? I'm trying to help Catseye learn some table manners.
[02:17] Voltage [Voltage@lsanca1-ar19-4-46-082-154.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #funsim
[02:17] <Erik> <Bova> Plastic wear..? ::confused look::
[02:17] <Catseye> ::jumps up onto the counter::
[02:17] <Kurt> ((Ach, I will be sore in the morning.. can't stop..)) ::jumps to another branch in a nearby tree, then hauls himself up onto one above it::
[02:17] Erik sets mode: +o Voltage
[02:18] <Emma> Plastic dishes and cups? ((Dear God, don't tell me plastic is a forigen subtance here...))
[02:18] <Logan> <<join the fun, i'm just about to kill the elf>>
[02:19] <Logan> <<you think mags is going to keep something around he can't turn into a weapon?>>
[02:19] <Kurt> <<...Help.. me....>>
[02:19] <Logan> <<hahahaha no one can save you now! i have CODE RED!>>
[02:19] <Erik> <Bova> ::brightens:: Oh, no, I don't keep things like that, but perhaps she could try with the metal dishes? It would not harm anything, to be dropped...
[02:19] <Reynard> X.X ::laying on the ground, playing dead:: ((Play dead... was that an insult?!))
[02:19] <Kurt> <<o.o>>
[02:20] <Emma> Hmm. ::She nods.:: All right.
[02:20] <Erik> << http://aoa.iwarp.com/wundafloor2.jpg floor 2... and for those who missed the last one http://aoa.iwarp.com/wundafloor1.jpg >>
[02:20] <Logan> ::stalks towards kurt at a slow and steady pace::
[02:20] <Reynard> <<::Wonders when the 'spork' was invented..::>>
[02:20] <Erik> <<and that's all of those I'm doing tonight x_x>>
[02:21] <Logan> <<i can't help but think that mystique is going to bore a hole through the bathroom wall -_-;>>
[02:21] <Kurt> ::panting now, he jumps to another branch, almost falling off before jumping to another one::
[02:22] <Reynard> <<Double Rooms! He's going to pair us up!>>
[02:22] <Kurt> <<Cool-looking layout>>
[02:22] <Erik> ::sees the disturbance in the trees below, frowns slightly, and steps off of the belltower, floating down towards the commotion until he sees Logan:: Is there a problem?
[02:22] <Emma> <<..... NOOOOO! >_< >>
[02:22] Voltage is now known as Alex
[02:22] Alex is now known as Havok
[02:23] <Catseye> ::pokes around the spice containers on the counter::
[02:23] <Logan> ::sheathes his claws all the while looking past magneto:: No problem at all, just teaching the boys how to tell the oak from the ivy.
[02:24] <Kurt> ::alternately using hands and tail to grab branches before he falls off of them, his pace not very fast at all now, oblivious to any floating-white-haired-men::
[02:24] <Erik> <Bova> ::fetches a metal plate, cup, and bowl, and hands them to Emma.. the metal is perfectly smooth, seamless and polished to a shine without the slightest hint of tarnish::
[02:24] <Erik> ::raises a brow at Logan::
[02:25] <Reynard> ::sighs::wonders how long he should stay here::he gets up and starts walking back towards the castle:: I'm bored with this game. ::Now knows this was just a game...::
[02:25] <Emma> Thank you. ::She curtly nods to Bova then glances over her shoulder.:: Let's go Catseye, into the dining hall.
[02:26] <Catseye> ::hops down off the counter and follows Emma::
[02:26] <Logan> <<you obviously haven't noticed that knick on your neck slowly trickling with blood::
[02:26] <Reynard> <<Not IC, right? If he was bleeding he'd smell it right away...>>
[02:27] <Logan> <<heh, if i'd cut you, then you'd know.. there'd be a chunk of flesh lying on the ground>>
[02:28] <Havok> <<*Has no idea what's going on, but hey..heh heh*>>
[02:28] <Logan> <<It started with breakfast then we went on a nature hike which turned into me chasing the dynamic duo like deer.>>
[02:28] <Reynard> ::approaches the castle::
[02:28] <Havok> <<Dynamic Duo?>>
[02:29] <Kurt> <<::waves::>>
[02:29] <Logan> ::darts past magneto, bearing down on kurt::
[02:29] <Reynard> <<The twin furboys. Kurt and Rey!>>
[02:29] <Erik> I do not think oak or ivy requires pursuit. ::level tone:: Now, what is going on?
[02:30] <Catseye> what blonde lady do with plate
[02:31] <Emma> ::Sets the bowl, cup, and plate on the table.:: Not much for now. First we'll pratice with the cup.
[02:31] <Kurt> Mein gott! ::'ports again.. about five feet back down onto the trail, falling a few inches to the ground, stumbling as to not fall over::
[02:31] <Catseye> ::hops up to the chair, then onto the table::
[02:32] <Catseye> ::sniffs the items::
[02:32] <Reynard> ::should be coming into view by Mags, curt shirt slightly dirty and sweaty::
[02:33] <Erik> ::starts to raise a hand after Logan, then turns to see Reynard:: Explain.
[02:33] <Kurt> <<...Damn... youuuu!>>
[02:33] <Logan> ::sweeps up a handful of moist earth and compost:: Hey, elf!
[02:33] <Erik> <<What kind of authority would I give him if I turned around and strung him up midair every time I didn't know what he was doing? heh heh>>
[02:34] <Kurt> ..Eh..? ::turns to look behind him::
[02:34] <Reynard> <<Explain me, or explain Logan?>>
[02:34] <Erik> <<You explain. heh heh>>
[02:34] <Logan> ::hurls the handful of muck at kurt's eyes::
[02:34] <Havok> ::Plopped in the living room, his arms crossed as he looks around bored, a deep scowl on his face::
[02:35] <Reynard> Mr. Logan slashed my shirt and chased us. ::short straight answer::
[02:35] <Emma> Catseye, ladies must sit on the chair first. Getting on the table isn't what one does.
[02:35] <Emma> <<I'm running on pure... uhm... pure something. @_@>>
[02:35] <Catseye> catseye cant see table from chair
[02:35] <Kurt> SCHEIßE! ::stumbles backwards, furiously rubbing at his eyes, then trips on his tail::
[02:36] <Logan> <<lol>>
[02:36] <Erik> ::watching Logan carefully, brow furrowed slightly, waits.. muttering a response to Reynard:: Training, I suppose?
[02:36] <Havok> <<Fumes? heh heh.>>
[02:36] <Logan> ::pounces on the fallen kurt and slams his claws down in the dirt next to his head:: And that's game.
[02:36] <Emma> <<How short is Catseye?>>
[02:37] <Reynard> ::shrugs:: Or he was just playing a really weird and tiring game with us
[02:37] <Catseye> <<like a house cat?>>
[02:38] <Emma> <<I thought she was in her semi-human form ^^;;>>
[02:38] <Kurt> ::mumbles tiredly in german, weakly attempting to get up::
[02:38] <Catseye> <<nope>>
[02:38] <Logan> <<*dances* I figured Kurt would get tired of porting and pass out, but I didn't want to wait, heh.>>
[02:38] <Erik> A game. ::dubious look:: If you are finished, Logan, perhaps you should let Mr Darkholme run back for a shower.
[02:38] <Reynard> <<Catseye, Height: 5' 8">>
[02:38] <Emma> <<She's in her cat form right now.>>
[02:39] <Emma> Catseye, do you think you could morph to your human-like form?
[02:39] <Reynard> He looks a bit tired to run Headmaster. ::is a bit tired himself::
[02:39] <Kurt> <<One more 'port and I woulda passes out ^^;;>>
[02:39] <Catseye> catseye have to?
[02:39] <Kurt> <<...My typing is slowly getting worse.. >_<>>
[02:39] <Logan> ::sheathes his claws, and helps kurt up, then says quietly so magneto can't here:: You did good, kid, nothing we can't work on; earned yourself a brew.
[02:40] <Emma> <<Gah... I give... sleepiness has won. x_x>>
[02:40] Emma is now known as Styxie
[02:40] <Catseye> << :( >>
[02:40] <Erik> Perhaps next time, if you both win this game, I will let you walk. ::folds his arms::
[02:40] <Kurt> ::swaying slightly, wiping enough gunk out of his eyes to see, speaking with a confused tone:: .....d-danke?....
[02:41] <Styxie> <<I'm sorry... It's getting fuzzy...>>
[02:41] <Kurt> <<::patpats::>>
[02:41] <Reynard> ...how do we win? We turn around a chase him?
[02:41] <Catseye> <<thats just kurt>>
[02:41] <Logan> ::slaps kurt on the back, and chuckles::
[02:41] Styxie [Styxie@as01-oro-fl-1-76.rasserver.net] has quit IRC (Little mind flayers come from drunken storks.)
[02:41] <Erik> You will learn. Now go, both of you... clean up.
[02:41] <Catseye> <<sigh>>
[02:42] Catseye is now known as Saturos
[02:42] <Kurt> ::winces slightly, then turns and starts stumbling back towards the school::
[02:42] <Reynard> ::waits for Kurt so he can disscuss this whole expirence with him along the way::
[02:43] <Erik> ::small gesture, and the front doors open before Kurt & Reynard reach them::
[02:43] <Reynard> ::to Kurt:: Well, that was different...
[02:44] <Erik> ::faintly irritated look at Logan:: I trust you meant to accomplish something by that display.
[02:44] <Kurt> Different..? Mehr mögen Hölle.. ::manages to keep up a normal walking pace::
[02:45] <Reynard> What? ((Need to learn some German if I'm going to hang around this guy...))
[02:46] <Kurt> ::mumbling:: ..Ach, sorry.. like hell..
[02:46] <Reynard> ::walks into the castle, tail drooping, tip brushing the floor::
[02:46] <Erik> <<heh heh i think the translator goofed. mögen isn't the metaphoric 'like', it's the verb 'to like'>>
[02:47] <Logan> ::dusts his hands off and walks back towards magneto:: We offer these kids what we got, hope they do some good with it. You got philosophy, I got... other things and if that don't sit right with you, bub, then maybe you never should've brought me halfway across the world. ::walks back towards the castle::
[02:47] <Kurt> <<Well, I didn't type in a whole sentence x_o>>
[02:47] <Erik> <<'wie' might be more accurate... but i'm not sure, been a long time since i studied it>>
[02:48] <Kurt> ::after going inside the school, he makes his way to the stairs, holding onto the railing with a tight grip while going upstairs::
[02:48] <Havok> ::Scowls and stands from where he's sitting, leaving the living room and making his way towards the West Hall::
[02:48] <Erik> ::shakes his head slightly, rising back into the air to return to his belltower perch::
[02:48] <Reynard> I say we bill him for our dry cleaing ::looks down at his shirt again::
[02:48] Saturos is now known as Catseye
[02:49] <Kurt> Wouldn't want to.. make him mad, ja?
[02:49] <Catseye> ::having oncluded whatever training Emma would have done, she wanders into the living room in her humanoid form::
[02:49] <Catseye> <<concluded>>
[02:49] <Reynard> Hmm, yeah.. but we have to get him back somehow...
[02:49] <Logan> <<this is gonna be a fun sim ^_^>>
[02:50] <Kurt> Back? ::stops, staring at Reynard:: Are you crazy?
[02:50] <Erik> <<*plots introduction orders*... Rey's intro will be amusing. heh heh>>
[02:50] <Reynard> Sure, it's demanded by tradition! ::strike noble pose::
[02:50] <Logan> <<*snickers at that image*>>
[02:51] <Erik> <<Okay, that one still has energy. Chase him some more! *points*>>
[02:51] <Reynard> <<What have I brought among myself?>>
[02:51] <Reynard> <<*upon))
[02:51] <Kurt> ...Tradition.. ach. Living with Raven, I've learned to leave well enough alone, danke.. ::finishes climbing the stairs, then walks towards the boy's showers::
[02:52] <Reynard> Not like we can avoid him forever. ::walks into the showers as well::
[02:52] <Erik> <<check the corners for Raven's hidden cameras ¬_¬;>>
[02:52] <Logan> <<-_-;;>>
[02:52] <Kurt> <<Don't worry, she only spies on girls. ...I think. o.o>>
[02:52] <Erik> <<of course, maybe those are all in the girls showers...>>
[02:53] <Havok> <<..I don't think she'd spy on her own son..O_o I don't think..>>
[02:53] <Catseye> <<I'll just clean myself>>
[02:53] <Erik> <<x_x>>
[02:53] <Logan> <<maybe she wants to know if you're blue everywhere -_-;;;>>
[02:53] <Catseye> ::sits down on the couch:: soft
[02:53] <Kurt> ::plops down onto a bench, then starts peeling his clothes off:: Ah, well.. ::remembering what Logan said to him:: ..I still don't think it's a good idea, mein freund..
[02:54] <Kurt> <<::...will go into long and detailed posts about taking a shower!:: >D>>
[02:54] <Erik> <<lmao, pulling a Reny?>>
[02:54] <Logan> <<*snickers*>>
[02:54] <Havok> <<Dear God, no.>>
[02:54] <Reynard> <<::will join! though at a different shower station::>>
[02:54] <Kurt> <<...Okay, maybe not, lol>>
[02:54] <Havok> <<And please don't remind me. heh heh..>>
[02:54] <Kurt> <<..But.. >_> <_< Ren RP'd a long shower scene? When was this?>>
[02:55] <Logan> ::throws open the main doors looking around the empty grand hall and reveling in the silence for a moment::
[02:55] <Reynard> ::takes off clothes as well tossing his mutilated shirt into a nearby trashcan::
[02:55] <Erik> <<Nah, he just does all these showers in Ulti... Pete must be a compulsive washer I think>>
[02:55] <Kurt> <<lol>>
[02:55] <Erik> <<Pete> I'm dirty! dirty! o.0 ::scrubs self::>>
[02:55] <Catseye> <<has to keep the chrome polished>>
[02:55] <Logan> <<oh, stop it, my chest is hurting from laughing so hard!>>
[02:55] <Kurt> <<Those crazy Russians..>>
[02:56] <Reynard> <<Pete was traumatized by that weird all song Germs>>
[02:56] <Erik> <<<Pete> ::cries when someone's used washcloth drips on him::>>
[02:56] <Catseye> <<maybe its the only time he's can sing privately>>
[02:56] <Kurt> ::piles his clothes on the floor, then wanders into the nearest shower stall::
[02:57] <Logan> <<does havok have a purpose to being in the west hall or is he just admiring the masonry?>>
[02:57] <Reynard> ::does so as well, only into a different stall ^^::
[02:57] <Havok> <<He's just kinda walking and brooding.>>
[02:57] <Logan> <<you do realize that by tomorrow 500 slash fics will be on the x-world site starring you two?>>
[02:57] <Catseye> ::tries to pick up the remote with her tail:: tail get switchy thing
[02:57] <Erik> <<lmao>>
[02:57] <Kurt> <<......Cool!>>
[02:58] <Reynard> <<Cool! I'm a star!>>
[02:58] <Erik> <<*wipes tears*>>
[02:58] <Kurt> <<::high-fives Rey with his tail:: >D>>
[02:58] <Havok> <<You two realize what those fics will have in them, no?>>
[02:58] <Catseye> <<just imagine the uses for that tail>>
[02:58] <Erik> <<OMG, all the furry fans would stumble onto it using keywords! >_<>>
[02:58] <Havok> <<lol>>
[02:58] <Reynard> <<LOL>>
[02:58] <Logan> <<*snickers* Two Tales of Telltale Tails>>
[02:59] <Kurt> <<..I'm a dirty fangirl, so yes, I realize, rofl>>
[02:59] <Catseye> <<at least we'd be getting alot of exposure>>
[02:59] <Catseye> <<literally>>
[02:59] <Havok> <<Kurt and Reynard with 500 fics of them making like bunnies..;_; I think I need to bleach my brain out, now..>>
[03:00] <Reynard> <<::Feels some fics would not have them be in seperate showers>>
[03:00] <Havok> <<...Or maybe I'll just blow my head off..-_->>
[03:00] <Erik> <<Rey: No kidding :P Hence, 'slash'?>>
[03:00] <Catseye> <<throw Mysti in there for spice>>
[03:00] <Erik> <<Eww, no leave Mysti out of it, she's a girl, she has cooties>>
[03:00] <Logan> ::walks towards the west stairs, starts up them, then pauses and sniffs::
[03:00] <Catseye> <<she doesn't have to look like one though>>
[03:00] <Logan> <<she could shift into a boy>>
[03:00] <Kurt> ::about fifteen minutes later, now nice and clean, he grabs a towel and dries off::
[03:01] <Kurt> <<rofl>>
[03:01] <Catseye> ::finally gets a grip on the remote with her tail::
[03:01] <Erik> <<Okay, so Mysti shifting into a boy to make it on her own son is just a BIT too high squick for me thanks -_->>
[03:01] <Logan> <<this is perverse on so many levels... pedophilia, incest, beastiality -_->>
[03:02] <Logan> <<I love you guys. ^_^>>
[03:02] <Erik> <<Nah, it's only beastiality if catseye gets involved. :)>>
[03:02] <Kurt> <<..>D >D >D>>
[03:02] <Reynard> ::steps out of the shower, towel wrapped around hi midsection. He goes over to the bench and sits down taking another towel to start the process of drying off his big fluffy tail::
[03:02] <Havok> ::Clasps his hands behind his back as he walks, stopping in front of a window, briefly and glancing out::
[03:02] <Catseye> <<two tails are better than one>>
[03:02] <Logan> <<lol and 3 tails are better than 21>>
[03:02] <Logan> <<2!>>
[03:02] <Erik> <<fluffy! *fluffs Rey's tail* >D>>
[03:02] <Catseye> <,gives new meaning to "chasing some tail">>
[03:02] <Logan> <<lol>>
[03:03] <Reynard> <<::tailswish::>>
[03:03] <Logan> <<you lookin' in the classrooms, summers? -_->>
[03:03] <Logan> ::starts down the hall towards summers::
[03:04] <Catseye> ::accidentally flips on the radio while trying to figure the remote out::
[03:04] <Havok> <<I thought we had windows, too? heh heh. Or places where one could look out, in a castle..whatever they're called..>>
[03:04] <Erik> <<halls and rooms that are along outside walls have windows>>
[03:05] <Catseye> <<I know where we are -_->>
[03:05] <Logan> <<not in the west hall which is sandwiched between the living room and classrooms>>
[03:05] <Erik> <<which would be the south hall, and the north hall>>
[03:05] <Reynard> <<Lots of mountians to get in the way of radio waves, then there's the human electirc plant...>>
[03:05] <Kurt> ::finally mostly finishes drying his fur, he wraps his towel 'round his waist and grabs his clothing::
[03:05] <Havok> <<The end of the west wall, leading into the North Wall might have a window, wouldn't it? 'Cause that's where I was looking on the map..heh heh.>>
[03:05] <Erik> <<that would be windows, yeah>>
[03:06] <Catseye> ::tries to shut it off but only makes the sound louder::
[03:06] <Reynard> ::finishes with his tail and heads toward his room, clothes draped over his arms::
[03:07] <Erik> <<lol nekkid fox-boy running down the hall!>>
[03:07] <Kurt> <<lol>>
[03:07] <Reynard> <<He's got his towel on still!>>
[03:07] <Logan> ::approaches summers silently with great ease as he has his back to him anyway:: You lost, or just looking for something?
[03:08] <Catseye> ::drops the remote and runs out of the room::
[03:08] <Logan> <<unless kurt decides to snatch it and port away::
[03:08] <Kurt> <<..omg.. that reminded me of my earlier idea.. >D wanna use it during a real sim tho..>>
[03:08] <Kurt> <<...Shhh!>>
[03:08] <Logan> <<oh, forget i said anything ¬_¬>>
[03:08] <Reynard> <<Huh? What's that?>>
[03:08] <Erik> <<...*looks at clock* Shit! I forgot to call my sister again!! -_->>
[03:08] <Havok> Eh? ::Startled for a moment, hands ripple with energy briefly as he turns around:: Oh. No. Just thinking.
[03:09] <Reynard> ::exits his room a short while later::fresh clothes..new shirt::he heads for the living room. A brush in hand::
[03:09] <Logan> <<call her now and tell her you got your time difference all confused -_->>
[03:10] <Erik> <<I'm not calling her at midnight her time -_-;>>
[03:10] <Reynard> <<Call her tommorow and say you thought you were suppose to call then>>
[03:10] <Kurt> ::spends a few minutes just standing next to the shower stall, thinking, then he moves to the door. Glancing out of it for signs of anyone, he then darts across the hall into his room, closing the door with his tail::
[03:10] <Logan> What about?
[03:10] <Erik> <<well, i said i'd call tonight *after* i said i'd call tomorrow... but i guess it works..>>
[03:11] <Logan> <<heh>>
[03:11] <Catseye> box make loud sounds! ::runs down the hallways, past Logan and Havok, before doubling back and going the other way::
[03:11] <Erik> <<Nekkid fuzzy flyby! *points*>>
[03:11] <Kurt> <<..You wish! I have a towel, too! :P>>
[03:11] <Havok> ::Narrows his eyes, scowling as Catseye runs by::
[03:12] <Reynard> <<~Oh yes they called him the Streak~>>
[03:12] <Erik> <<Oh... ...lol the Blue streak!>>
[03:12] <Catseye> <,blue streak?>>
[03:12] <Catseye> << heh heh there you go>>
[03:12] <Kurt> <<...Hey, if the girls wander over to our side of the halls and see anything, too bad for them >D>>
[03:13] <Reynard> ::walks into the living room and looks at the radio for a moment before finding the remote and shutting it off::he sits on the couch wiht his still slightly damp tail in his lap and starts brushing it::
[03:13] <Logan> <<too bad? have a little more self confidence, man>>
[03:13] <Logan> <<you just had a nice warm shower, everything's hangin' loose and free>>
[03:13] <Catseye> <<do we have any polaroids in the castle?>>
[03:13] <Kurt> ::changes into some clean clothes, then collapses on his bed:: ..Ich möchte nie 'wieder trainieren'..
[03:13] <Erik> <<o_X>>
[03:14] <Catseye> <<maybe they took a cold shower and its all shrivelled up>>
[03:14] <Reynard> <<something about Weird Training>>
[03:14] <Kurt> <<..Deformed fuzzy blue boy here! Not going to profess to having any confidence! x_x>>
[03:14] <Erik> <<wieder isn't weird, it's again, methinks..>>
[03:14] <Kurt> <<That was, roughly, 'I never want to 'exercise' again'>>
[03:14] <Logan> <<i bet kurt's well endowed, the look at the size of his feet and tail>>
[03:15] <Erik> <<lol>>
[03:15] <Kurt> <<...::ponders::>>
[03:15] <Havok> <<I don't even want to think about how well endowed Kurt is..-_->>
[03:15] <Catseye> <<and he has a tail>>
[03:15] <Erik> <<yup, those slash fics would draw traffic. *snicker*>>
[03:15] <Reynard> <<LOL! You know what you never saw in *any* tv of Mr. Rogers World. Did he love mutants 'just they way they are'?>>
[03:15] <Logan> <<*thinks of something* heyyyy, kurt and wanda should hook up>>
[03:15] <Kurt> <<..Eh? What for?>>
[03:15] <Havok> <<heh. Nocturne.>>
[03:15] <Logan> <<NOCTURNE>>
[03:16] <Kurt> <<>"<>>
[03:16] <Logan> <<did you ever answer my q summers?>>
[03:16] <Catseye> <<bluefur got groove on>>
[03:17] <Havok> <<With all the <<>>s I might ahve missed it. *Scrolls up*>>
[03:17] <Erik> <<okay i need to die now. *thud*>>
[03:17] <Havok> ::Narrows his eyes, for a moment then shrugs;: Does it matter?
[03:17] <Kurt> ::turns onto his side, closes his eyes, and takes a much-needed nap::
[03:17] You are now known as Fuu[zZz]
[03:17] <Kurt> <<'Night Drags>>
[03:17] <Logan> <<The balls on the barbell in my tongue are blue.>>
[03:17] <Catseye> <<balls?>>
[03:17] <Havok> <<Nighters>>
[03:18] <Havok> <<...You have balls in your mouth? *Snicker* *Couldn't resist, ducks and runs*>>
[03:18] <Kurt> <<lol>>
[03:18] <Catseye> <<he's got blue ones too.. hmm>>
[03:18] <Logan> If it didn't matter, then you wouldn't be thinkin' so hard about it. But that's just my two cents. ::walks away::
[03:18] <Kurt> << >_> <_< >>
[03:19] <Catseye> <<::looks at Kurt and Logan>>
[03:19] <Havok> ::Grunts slightly and shrugs::
[03:19] <Logan> <<...don't make me unscrew the balls and stab you with the bar>>
[03:19] <Kurt> <<Yeah, time for everyone to scrub their brains clean and get back to simming, heh>>
[03:19] <Logan> <<our brains will never come clean after this night>>
[03:19] <Catseye> <<sim this>>
[03:20] <Havok> <<Must..resist..comments brain is generating!>>
[03:20] <Havok> <<And please. My brain was dirty long before this. heh heh.>>
[03:20] <Logan> <<*pops a claw through havok's shoulder*>>
[03:20] <Fuu[zZz]> <<I'm reminding everyone that there's no way I'm editing this log, all << >> and timestamps and all will stay when it's posted up on the site :P>>
[03:20] <Catseye> ::runs back into the living room:: box quiet now?
[03:20] <Logan> <<lol>>
[03:21] <Catseye> <<I can edit the <<>> out in one keystroke>>
[03:21] <Reynard> <<It would take over an hour to read this!>>
[03:21] <Fuu[zZz]> <<how, precisely?>>
[03:21] <Havok> <<They will? *Grins evilly*>>
[03:21] <Catseye> <<cut any lines with << in them>>
[03:21] <Kurt> <<Good. Then it really will get someone who's searching for bad things on a search engine, lol>>
[03:21] <Fuu[zZz]> <<...how , precisely? and how would that not cut some where people do their normal action than tack <<>> on the end?>>
[03:21] <Logan> <<furry blue balls... lol>>
[03:22] <Havok> <<Drags..I hope you realize you just tempted me to say even worse things..heh heh.>>
[03:22] <Catseye> <<in that case they're screwed heh heh... this is why I don't edit logs>>
[03:22] <Kurt> <<::...waves his tail in Logan's face:: >_<>>
[03:22] <Reynard> ::hums a japenese song while he sits brushing his tail::
[03:22] <Logan> <<does that mean rey has furry red balls? is he even a redhead?>>
[03:22] <Fuu[zZz]> <<...*snicker* HOT HOT FURRY SLASH! *ducks and runs*>>
[03:22] <Catseye> smell like soap here
[03:23] <Kurt> << XD >>
[03:23] <Reynard> <<It takes a lot of work to keep such a healthy shine!>>
[03:23] <Fuu[zZz]> <<Have you LOOKED at his pic? Of course he's a redhead -_-;>>
[03:23] <Catseye> <<meyowzers>>
[03:23] <Kurt> ::wakes up from his nap, stomach growling, then goes out of his room and downstairs::
[03:23] <Catseye> <<does he use conditioner on his unmentionables?>>
[03:23] <Logan> <<and if you put their balls together and drew a little spider, would that make furry spider-balls-man?>>
[03:24] <Kurt> <<::..kick::>>
[03:24] <Fuu[zZz]> <<*looks at E funny*>>
[03:24] <Catseye> <<got to keep the family jewels groomed properly>>
[03:24] <Logan> <<i should stop now... my mind has gone over the waterfall in a barrell>>
[03:24] <Fuu[zZz]> <<lol>>
[03:24] <Reynard> <<Yes. SIM!>>
[03:25] <Catseye> ::walks over to Reynard, sniffing the air:: fox boy smell like soap
[03:25] <Logan> <<Can we stop yet? x_x>>
[03:25] <Kurt> ::goes into the kitchen, then rummages through the fridge::
[03:25] <Reynard> ::looks over at Cat:: Foxboy took bath. Used soap to get all nice and clean.
[03:26] <Havok> <<Regardless if there's slash or not..I get the feeling there's going to be SOME kind of furry action goin' on..>>
[03:26] <Fuu[zZz]> <<...lol, you know, actually Reynard should have a rather pungent aroma... foxes have a definite reek to them>>
[03:26] <Reynard> <<He's a fox, not a ferret!>>
[03:26] <Fuu[zZz]> <<Foxes are smelly critters *snicker*>>
[03:26] <Catseye> <<and he put on clean underwear, I hope>>
[03:26] <Reynard> <<and he bathes regularly>>
[03:26] <Fuu[zZz]> <<They still have glands that secrete the musk>>
[03:27] <Reynard> <<...maybe in fox form...>>
[03:27] <Fuu[zZz]> <<<Rey> *walks into room* ... <Logan> *leaves room, choking* x_X>>
[03:27] <Logan> <<musk... reminds me of a dnd session>>
[03:27] <Catseye> <<at least barry white didn't come up on the radio>>
[03:28] <Fuu[zZz]> <<ah geez i gotta sleep.>>
[03:28] <Reynard> <<Rey replied to Cat>>
[03:28] <Kurt> ((..I hope the fuchsjunge
[03:29] <Kurt> <<..Gah>>
[03:29] <Havok> <<"...What the fuck is wrong with this place? *Upon walking in on a furry orgy, whilst Barry White plays* ..Goddamn, even Sinister isn't this fucked up.">>
[03:29] <Logan> <<my half-elf sor/ftr w/his weasel familiar was with a half-elf monk and they were questioned before entering this town as to their business so he held up his weasel and said he was their to sell weasel musk, a potent aphrodesiac to the guardsmen to help them score with the barmaids>>
[03:29] <Kurt> ((I hope the fuchsjunge is not actually considering tricking Herr Logan..)) ::puts various sandwith essentials on the nearby counter, then closes the fridge::
[03:30] <Kurt> <<lol>>
[03:30] <Catseye> <<I can't see>>
[03:30] <Fuu[zZz]> <<You guys are never going to stop!! Agh! I've created a monster! *flees*>>
[03:30] <Reynard> ::looks over at Cat:: Foxboy took bath. Used soap to get all nice and clean. ((repost))
[03:30] <Kurt> <<Rarrrgh! >D >>
[03:30] <Catseye> <<ok now I can see>>
[03:31] <Catseye> soap bad, tastes funny
[03:32] <Logan> <<later that night we got attacked in our innroom. i got the first shot off and hurled a lesser fire orb at one of the goons, then two of them tackled me... that sucked...>>
[03:32] <Havok> <<"I WISH I couldn't see! Jesus Christ..I'm never going to look at a furry woodland animal without cringing and having flashbacks, ever again..">>
[03:32] <Reynard> ::chuckle:: That's why I used it to clean with, not to eat.
[03:33] <Kurt> <<Heh... ::fond memories of a Dragonlance game where a ghoul-thing attacked them in their innroom, and her kender char killed it with one blow::>>
[03:33] <Catseye> casteye can taste soap. catseye got locked in glass box with water. casteye tasted like soap
[03:33] <Logan> <<then the creepy spooky mysterious man summoned a displacer beast and none of us could hit the stupid thing>>
[03:33] <Kurt> <<X_o>>
[03:34] <Fuu[zZz]> <<Damnit, who's been locking Catseye in an aquarium? :P>>
[03:34] <Kurt> ::makes a sandwich, then wanders into the dining room with it, sitting in one of the chairs sideways (feet propped up on one arm with his back resting against the other)::
[03:34] <Reynard> Who would lock you up in a box of water? ::brush::brush::brush::
[03:34] <Catseye> water came from metal pipe in glass box
[03:34] <Logan> <<there were like 4 of us shooting it from the innroom while the human ftr and the elf ftr/wiz were on the ground trying to kill it>>
[03:35] <Kurt> <<Geez.. sounds like fun, but then again..>>
[03:35] <Logan> <<it exploded into a puddle of nasty goo when we finally killed it, heh>>
[03:35] <Kurt> <<And aren't you supposed to be sleeping, Drags? :P>>
[03:35] <Reynard> <<enough reminiscing about D&D. X-men SIM!>>
[03:35] <Fuu[zZz]> <<*skulks off*>>
[03:36] <Logan> <<then i think we had fire alarm go off>>
[03:36] <Reynard> Must have been very scary...
[03:36] <Logan> <<Stop simming already! =P>>
[03:36] <Kurt> <<NEEEIN!>>
[03:36] <Reynard> <<No, musy have 10 hour SIM!>>
[03:36] <Catseye> lady with weird hair said catseye smelled bad
[03:37] <Reynard> <<~This is the sim that doesn't end~It goes on and on my firend~>>
[03:37] <Catseye> <<I'm surrounded by dumkompfs>>
[03:38] <Havok> <<heh heh. This sim will end. You guys don't have the char depth and interaction levels for these chars yet, to get it to 10 hours..heh heh. I remember one was mostly all Haz/Skylark....and I vaguely remember something to do with kidnapping her goldfish..heh heh.>>
[03:38] <Kurt> ::slowly eats his sandwich, reflecting on earlier events:: ((...I got too frightened to think. Next time, no more of that..))
[03:38] <Kurt> <<lol>>
[03:38] <Catseye> said catseye needed .. needed.. sho-ou-wer
[03:38] <Logan> <<OOH! I think I remember that!>>
[03:38] <Kurt> <<Damn, reading logs of stuff like that would be fun >D >>
[03:38] <Reynard> Well.. Foxboy just got chased by big man with sharp claws
[03:38] <Catseye> <<I still remember Havok getting blasted out of the mansion whilst on the toilet>>
[03:39] <Havok> <<Wait, yeah..that one was about 8 hours. The 10 hour one had me, Haz, Skylark and Scion.>>
[03:39] <Reynard> <<Little do you know I know everyhting about my character! He is infinitely complex!>>
[03:39] <Havok> <<..And I remember Ali coming in at like..5 or 6 in the morning and finding out we were still simming..*Snicker*>>
[03:40] <Catseye> what big man with claws
[03:40] <Kurt> <<...And I.. ..am guessing. Heh..>>
[03:40] <Logan> <<You can have infinitely complex with chars who haven't even seen an official sim =P>>
[03:40] <Reynard> Smells like smoke..
[03:40] <Logan> <<can't rather>>
[03:40] <Catseye> <<so you are.. intimately familiar with your character... in every aspect?>>
[03:40] <Kurt> <<lol>>
[03:41] <Reynard> <<Yes.. maybe... okay I lied!>>
[03:41] <Kurt> ::finishes off his sandwich, dusting the crumbs off his fingers:: ((I wonder where the others have gone off to..))
[03:41] <Logan> <<sentry, now that's infinitely complex!>>
[03:41] <Havok> <<Sentry just has lots and lots of issues..heh heh.>>
[03:41] <Logan> <<and i bet you can't begin to describe them all!>>
[03:41] <Reynard> <<::ponders starting up his VR software to avoid typing...fingers tired..::>>
[03:42] <Havok> <<Haz could. heh heh heh.>>
[03:44] <Logan> <<haz is sentry grandfather, so of course he could =P>>
[03:44] <Catseye> <<OOC is beating out sim by about 5 to 1 now, maybe we should end it>>
[03:44] <Logan> <<i already said that a couple times =P>>
[03:44] <Kurt> ::stands in his chair, jumping over one of the arms, then ambles towards the living room::
[03:44] <Reynard> Smells like smoke.. ((repost))
[03:44] <Kurt> <<Nein! We shall make a new record!!>>
[03:45] <Havok> <<Sentry's grandfather? ...Haz is your daddy? O_o>>
[03:45] <Catseye> <<too late for a record, this is a chat channel now>>
[03:45] <Logan> <<...in the metaphorical sense>>
[03:47] <Reynard> <<*pokes Cat* You gonna respond?>>
[03:48] <Havok> <<*Calls the Coroner* Sim dead at 3:57 AM Eastern Time..>>