Codename: Frost
Real Name: Emma Grace Frost

Age: 20
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Distinguishing Features: None
Known Relatives: None

Powers: Emma Frost is a mutant with potentially powerful telepathic/psionic abilities. Currently she's able to read people's minds and with enough concentration, Emma is also able to influence the thoughts and minds of others.


History:  Emma Frost was the middle child of three sisters of the Frost family, Bostonian elites that made their vast fortune in the family shipping and marine trade. From the start, Emma was provided with the finest homes, cultural upbringing and private tutoring as apart of her grooming to take her ranks in the upper-hierarchical society of Boston and the New England area. Two weeks before her debutante ball, Emma developed her chaotic ability of telepathy, which her family translated into mental trauma. Her parents institutionalized their daughter quietly in hopes of finding proper treatment for her. Emma escaped the institution a few months after being checked in by a desperate surge in her powers to compel the head of the institution to let her go. She turned to the streets and began to carve her way back to the upper pillars of society. However Emma's powers are growing stronger and more chaotic to suppress, let alone control. When approached by Erik Lennsherr about helping her develop her powers, it would be one of the rare times that the young telepath would agree in full with another person's suggestion and she joined his school.

Personality: Cold and proper, Emma Frost is willful and intelligent. She does not easily accept things and refuses to let someone take advantage of her willingly. She’s not a cruel or evil person yet she feels she must be in control of everything that is going around her as best as she possibly can.